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Your POV:

The sunlight beaming through the curtains wakes me up. I blink my eyes open and take a deep breath. I stretch my arms and legs a bit. Until, I feel a body turn behind me. A slim arm wraps around my waist and pulls me closer. I look up and see Billie sleeping peacefully in front of me. I look down at the slim wrist on my waist and follow the arm up to a blonde figure. Cordelia I smile to myself and snuggle into her warm embrace. I slip an arm over Billies waist and pull her into me. She hums and turns to face me. Her head tucked underneath my chin.

Her gentle breaths hit my neck. I kiss her head and begin stroking her hair and rubbing her back. Billie stirs a bit and lifts her head up. Her eyes are still closed and her plump lips are slightly parted. I smile and lean down to place a gentle kiss to her lips then pepper small kisses along her nose and cheeks. Billie smiles and giggles a bit before her eyes flutter open. "Mmm good morning, my love" she purses her lips together and I place a soft kiss to them.

She places her hand against my chest and tucks her head back into my neck. Her soft palm resting above my heart. I shut my eyes and soak up the comfort her warm hand gives me. The bed moves slightly and both Billie and I open our eyes and look at each other. We hear light footsteps padding to the bathroom. Cordelia inhales deeply, tickling my back. Billie lifts herself up onto one arm and looks over my shoulder to see Cordelia; her arm wrapped around my waist and her forehead pressed against my back.

"Are you just going to stare at me Billie Dean or are you going to say good morning" Cordelia mumbles. Her deep raspy morning voice matching Billies. I smile and look up at a grinning Billie. "Good morning Delia" she says. Delia releases her grip on me and rolls onto her back and stretches "Mmm morning darlings" she says. I roll onto my back and look over to Delia. She smiles and strokes my cheek.

Ally walks out of the bathroom and smiles at us. "Good morning beauties" Billie and Delia chuckle while I just smile and blush. "Morning" I say. Ally climbs back into bed and sits beside Delia. "Breakfast anyone?" Billie says. "Oh yes please I'm starving" I say. Ally and Delia laugh as we climb out of bed. We pad our way to the kitchen and prepare breakfast. I start the coffee while Billie and Delia start to cook the pancakes, egg and bacon.

Ally plays some music and we all just enjoy this relaxed morning. Once the food is done Ally and I set the table. I take a bite out of my pancake and it tastes wonderful. "Either I'm super hungry or this is amazing!" The girls laugh and agree. "So y/n tell us more about yourself" Ally says before she takes a sip of her coffee. I swallow my food and look at her "what do you want to know?" "Everything." She smiles and tilts her head slightly. Cordelia nods and takes a bite off her fork. "I have a question" Delia says. "With the skills you have this definitely isn't the first time you've been with women; So, when was the first time you slept with one or realized that you liked women?"

I nod my head "that's a good question Um I realized I liked girls pretty early. I was never one of those girls who went boy crazy or found them attractive. I always had guy friends because I found them easier to talk to. My first kiss was with a little girl who lived across the street. My mom had found us kissing in my backyard when I was 6. I guess I always just liked girls. The first time I properly slept with one was in high school, my freshman year."

Cordelia nodded her head "how did your mom react when she found you kissing your neighbor?" I think I second before responding "she didn't make a big deal out of it or anything. I didn't even know that it wasn't normal until I got older and saw all of my friends in relationships with boys, that I realized I was different." Ally nodded her head "did you feel different at all growing up or was it just something that didn't phase you?" She asks.

I take a bite of my food before responding. "I felt different only for the fact that I felt like I was the only girl in school who didn't like boys. It didn't make me feel any less than anyone else...just different. I tried to date a boy in middle school my friend Elian but we didn't work out hence me being gay and him realizing he's bisexual so... but, I always had a strong sense of self and never really cared about what people though about me. My family had a big part in that. My mom never made me feel like it was something I had to hide you know. It was just me. But boy when I found out I wasn't the only little gay girl in school. My life changed." I laugh remembering how excited I was the first time I met another gay girl.

The women chuckle and smile. "She never made a big deal about it either. She was like 'this is who I am and what about it.' When she came to me and told me she liked girls my first response was 'okay as long as your happy it doesn't matter to me' little did I know she would be the one to show me my truth" Billie says with a smile as she reaches for my hand and intertwines our fingers.

Delia and ally smile watching us "awww see now I need to know everything about you two" I giggle and look at Billie genuinely wanting to know her point of view on how us happened. "Well her mother is my best friend. You guys know her and have met her before." The two women nod their heads and eat their food. "Y/n was always just the little girl who would follow me around like a puppy." I smile and blush feeling embarrassed. "But she was always a special girl to me. As she got older and became more mature the less I saw her. The moment things changed for me was her 18th birthday that I realized I was having thoughts about her that were alarming to me. I had never been with a women or even considered being with one. But I don't know something about her had changed. I hadn't properly seen her in a while she was always out and about never really home. On her birthday I was able to fully see her growth. Then a few years later I heard her and her girlfriend at the time had broken up and I had just finalized my divorce. For some reason I jumped to see her. Kind of happy she was single and so was I. I didn't think anything would happen but I hoped. Then when I saw her the night we went to the club with her best friend...I was enchanted. She definitely used all her charms on me that night and I gladly fell for them"

I smile and throw a wink her way. Billie blushes a bit and shows off her perfect teeth. God I love this woman. "And what about you y/n? How did you fall for Billie?" I chuckle remembering I was hopelessly in love with her for the longest time. "I started developing a crush on Billie in middle school I think. Like I said I was one of maybe three other little gay girls in school. But I didn't like them I always found myself crushing on my female teachers or principals. And when Billie would come around it was like adding fire to a confused flame. When I got to high school and actually started having relationships with girls I realized all I wanted was Billie. Even on my 18th birthday, but at the time I couldn't have her. In my mind she was straight, married and on top of all of that, my moms best friend."

Ally and Cordelia give us looks of adoration "I love you two" Delia says randomly "I do too. You make each other happy and you guys work I can see that. There's genuine love. Especially from Billie! I haven't seen her act like this since....ever! Not even with her ex husband. I always knew you were one big fat lesbian Billie" Ally says with a teasing smile. "Oh shut up Mayfair." Billie says as she rolls her eyes. I stifle a laugh unsuccessfully which causes Billie to give me a death glare. I raise my hands in surrender "I'm sorry baby it was just too funny"

"Whatever" Billie says breaking our eye contact and placing her fork on her plate. I stand up from my seat and straddle her lap. I place my arms over her shoulders while her hands rest on my hips. "Oh I'm sorry. Do you not like being a big fat lesbian with me?" She smirks "not at all my love" she purses her lips. I lean down but as she leans into me I pull away, causing her to huff. I smile, get off her lap, grab my plate and place it in the sink. Cordelia and Ally follow my actions. The three of us make our way towards the stairs "are you coming...mommy?" Billies eyes widen a bit and she sits there shocked for a moment before grabbing her plate and quickly placing it in the sink. I giggle and race upstairs.

Idk how I feel about this one :/
Also not proofread so sorry if there are any mistakes or something doesn't make sense

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