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Queen Historia had taken them, and her daughter, to a fancy restaurant in Mitras. Something Anya was completely floored by, and was unsure of how to act the entire time they were there. She quickly realized that Historia was truly the people's queen - and was really just a young, down to earth girl who wanted to help people. They talked after dinner for what felt like hours, and quickly bonded over volunteering at the same orphanage - which Levi was shocked by. In fact, it had turned out that they met multiple times over the years during the Christmases and holidays that they would mutually spend volunteering. Historia talked about how she was setting up programs for the people, and how there was no longer a toll to the underground or any citizenship requirements. Under her leadership, Paradis was becoming a better place for everyone there. However, the Yeagerist's only didn't question her because she spoke of unquestioning loyalty to Eren and his cause.

While Anya and Historia bonded, Levi spent his whole time at the palace after dinner doting over the young princess. Anya admired the sight, and let her mind wander to one day having children of their own, bringing both sadness to her heart and a smile to her face. She watched as he helped her brush her dolls hair, as he acted shocked when she spouted off things she learned that enthralled her 4 year old mind, and as he sat on the floor, the young princess on his knee, reading to her until she fell asleep in his arms. It was clear he adored her, and she adored her 'uncle Levi'. Anya watched as he carefully laid her on the couch next to her mother, and took his seat next to Anya - who promptly grabbed onto his hand and intertwined their fingers.

The conversation quickly turned as he sat down next to her. "Historia... you know I hate asking for favors" he began, looking into Anya's eyes. "But..."

"Pfft" Historia let out a small laugh "Anything for you captain! What's going on?" she asked with concern.

"I... I want to take Anya back to Marley with me" he started, holding her hand ever tighter as he brushed his thumb along the back of her hand. "But... It may take a while. I was hoping we could stay here, under your protection"

"Is that all?" Historia asked with a raised eyebrow. Levi nodded, as Anya looked away blushing. "Of course. Those scumbags wouldn't dare touch you here." She smiled, brushing the hair off her daughter's face. "I did promise this little one we'd go see your cousin tomorrow when the rest of the crew shows up though. I insist on you coming... and on you coming" Historia smiled as she pointed to Anya, who didn't know how to respond except with a smile.

"Who's the rest?" Anya whispered in Levi's ear, unsure of what was going on. "And who's your cousin?"

Levi let out a little chuckle "You have a lot to catch up on," he whispered back, planting a soft kiss on Anya's cheek.

The carriage ride back to Anya's home was uneventful, as Gabi fell asleep on Falco's shoulder and Sarina passed out in a drunken haze on the floor. They dropped Sarina off at their mothers before making their way back to Anya's apartment. Falco complained of Gabi taking too long in the bath as Anya cleaned up the mess from earlier in the day. Levi worked on gathering up Anya's luggage, and before long they noticed Falco slipping off to Gabi's room, bed linens missing from the couch. Intermittently, they heard voracious laughter from the both of them coming from the bedroom. Anya sighed as she met Levi in the bedroom, noticing how quickly he had packed nearly all her clothing and shoes.

"I thought you told them they can't sleep in the same bed?" She asked, motioning towards the empty couch.

"Like they'll listen" he responded with a chuckle, shutting the last piece of luggage and sitting on the bed. "I think I have everything, Historia said she'll send someone to come pack the rest of your things while we're in Shiganshina for the week"

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