A Night in Hell

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"I just can't get rid of you, can I?" Sarina chuckled as she looked at her sister - seething with anger as she was tossed into the dirty cell alongside her sister. "Your ass even has to follow me to be fucking kidnapped". Sarina picked her sister up off the floor, noting that she was wearing nothing but a thin nightgown. Sarina frowned as she looked over Anya, bruises present on her neck and face while her skin bore scratches that were new. Anya coughed as Sarina moved her to the bed.

"Yeah well, I would have preferred to not get kidnapped," Anya started, coughing with every deep breath she took. Fuck, a rib is definitely broken ... she thought to herself. She had no idea how long she was out for - it was still dark out, and by the way her ribs felt - it couldn't have been long since they took her. "Ugh. This place is filthy'' she mumbled as she tried to clear off the bed to the best of her ability.

"Yeah, I don't think that matters considering this is where we are likely to die, Anya." Sarina rolled her eyes as the words escaped her lips. "It's the kingdom or our heads" she gently reminded her as she pulled her sister into a hug. "But at least if we go down..." Sarina started

"We go down together" Anya finished with a smile. She noticed Sarina wasn't wearing her normal clothes - instead, they had her dressed like a prisoner. Anya stayed in her sister's embrace, holding her close as they sobbed into each other's shoulders.

Sarina lay a single kiss on Anya's head, as Anya curled her body up in the rickety, dirty bed. "Sarina... They'll come for us. I know they will" she spoke with such conviction, but Sarina couldn't believe the words. "Levi will send them to save us...He'll keep us safe, He'll keep his promise" Anya couldn't control her tears anymore, as she sobbed into the thin fabric of her nightgown.

Her tears almost masked the sound of a click, as the door to their cell was unlocked. Sarina turned her head, and found the two men who kidnapped her standing there, with two others she didn't recognize. Sarina gritted her teeth, her jaw clenched. "What are you doing here?!" she growled, hearing the door to the cell close behind them.

"Oh don't worry, we're just here for a little fun with your sister" the redhead spoke with a dark tone in his voice, as Anya pulled her head up to look at them. He was making his way to the bed where Anya was now cowering, and before Sarina could put together what was going on, she felt the grip of two pairs of hands around her - restraining her. "Considering you're not actual siblings, you should enjoy the show Sarina. Too bad the Captain isn't here for a front row seat, I'm sure he'd love to see it..."

Anya shifted, instinct telling her to close her legs and ball her fists, to make her body small. To ready herself for a fight.

But before she could do any of that, she felt a hand around her neck, constricting her airway and causing her to get dizzy from the lack of oxygen, as another pinned her wrists above her. The man above her, towering over her - the blonde. He stood there, holding her down. The redhead wasted no time in unbuttoning his shirt and unbuckling his pants. She was too weak to fight. She could barely stand.

"You are such a good little traitor. Look at you, you're not even wearing panties. Did the Captain have his way with you earlier?" He growled in Anya's ear, as she felt a knot in her stomach. The broken ribs already made it hard to breathe and focus. She prayed that this was just a nightmare, that she would wake up, curled up in Levi's arms. Her head on his chest. His fingers finding their way through her hair. She closed her eyes tightly, as she felt her body being manhandled, her legs forced apart, as tears fell from her closed eyes.

And then she felt it. A sharp pain ripping her open as she lay there, screaming for it to stop. Screaming for her Levi to come save her. Begging the gods for it to be a nightmare. She had no idea how long it went on for - at one point, she felt herself give up as she laid there - numb and crying, eyes glazed over, screaming out to stop, and for Levi to come save her - in a futile attempt to stop this sick man from having his way with her. Her numbness gave way to excruciating pain as they hurt her in ways she didn't know existed - she felt her whole body being violated. She sobbed, and she started screaming again.

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