His Question & Her Answer

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"Anya..." he began hesitantly as he took in another deep breath because when his eyes met hers again, he forgot how to breathe. "My sweet, my love, my everything," He watched her eyes as they started to water, and he wiped away her tears with his thumb without ever removing their fingers from being intertwined with one another's.

This moment, he had waited so long for. He could feel his heart beating rapidly, and the shakiness of his hands was still tense, even though they were wrapped up so perfectly in hers. He looked into her eyes and as his grey met her blue, he felt a sense of calm wash over him. He hadn't really prepared what to say, he only had the place prepared. He decided to speak from his heart, instead of just asking right away.

"You know I'm not the best with words," He started as she nodded and smiled at him,

He looked so perfect right there, his features illuminated by the soft lights and his eyes reflecting the moonlight in the way that only his eyes ever could - those specks of blue so clear among the grey. He held himself so perfectly despite the nerves she could hear in his voice. She had no idea why he was so nervous, but she felt the overwhelming need to commit every second and every word of this moment to memory. Something about it felt so different, so special, so perfect. She stayed quiet, nerves ablaze for whatever was happening.

"Ever since we were children, I've been so, so in love with you. I couldn't imagine a more perfect person in this whole world," he continued, feeling her thumb rubbing against the back of his hand, comforting him, further putting him at ease as he took another deep breath in. "There's no one more perfect in this world for me, than you. Every day, waking up next to you is like the most perfect dream, and I want to wake up next to you every day for the rest of our lives. Yours are the only lips I ever want to kiss,"

She smiled, and giggled at the sentiment, "Levi..." she started, before she felt his finger on her lips to silence her. Suddenly, she understood what was going on - why they were out in this part of the garden she hadn't been to. She was so wrapped up in the moment with him, that everything else faded away. Nothing mattered to her at that moment, except the two of them.

"Your hands are the only one's I ever want to hold, your touch is the only one I ever want to feel," He continued, as he tried his best not to cry. Here it was, that moment that he had dreamt about for so long. And there were those times -countless of them- that he'd remind himself, that this moment was just never meant to happen. He kept reminding himself that he was just meant to lose everyone and everything. That he was just meant to be alone. He gritted his teeth and he mustered the courage to go on. "Those years without you... they were hell . Not because of the war, or even the people I lost - but because I didn't have you to go home to."

She nodded, his finger still on her lips as she pecked a kiss to it. He let out a small laugh at the action, in spite of the tears now starting to slowly fall from his eyes. And it was true. He didn't mind risking his life on a daily basis. He didn't mind watching his friends die, because he had watched so many of them die, he had almost gotten used to it. But after all those wars, and all those fights. After all those battlefields and terrors that he had witnessed. He always wished he had someone to go back to. He always wished Anya was there, to hold him in the nights that he couldn't sleep because of the nightmares, the horrors. He always wished she was there to open up to, to talk about everything that plagued his mind. He had no one. But now... now he had everything.

"I've always known you're the only one I'd ever want to spend my life with. I've always known I want to grow old with you by my side," Levi dropped to one knee, in spite of the pain it caused, and Anya let out a sob of pure joy, tears now falling from her eyes and running down her cheeks. "Anya, will you marry me?"

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