Damage Undone

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The loud knocking had become too much for Levi to continue to ignore, try as he might, and he grumbled as he pulled on a pair of sweatpants and grabbed his cane, making his way to the front door that if he opened, he somehow just knew it was going to be the most annoying couple he ever had to deal with. One, his former worst enemy, and the second, the most annoying, argumentative woman that he had ever met. It was no surprise that those two were married. They were the worst.

And ironically, having those two around, meant that his beloved Anya was safe.

Zeke would never refuse to help out. A part of him had almost raised Anya in the other universe and he had protected her with his life. And he was going to do the same once more. And Nathalie - well, Nathalie was bound to Anya. She'd never admit it, but due to the oaths that her ancestors had taken, she felt a willingness to protect that girl. She couldn't explain it. She just needed to know that Anya was safe. Anya was precious, and that was one thing that they could all agree on.

Levi sighed as he opened the door, looking at that couple that he was anticipating to see. Nathalie had a wild grin on her face, and Zeke was smirking that cocky grin he just wished he could punch right off.

"What a pleasure," he groaned as he held open the door for them to come in, "less than 24 hours and I already have the blessing of seeing you two again, tell me - to what do I owe this privilege?"

Nathalie rolled her eyes, "If you don't want to be healed, I could always submit this to be patented, you know" She took a seat on the couch, Zeke sitting next to her as she crossed her legs and arms, "where's Anya?" she asked, looking to the kitchen and not seeing her there was a relief - it was time for breakfast but Nathalie was strict about her orders for Anya to rest, and let Levi and Mikasa handle everything.

"She's asleep," Levi quipped back, "as you ordered, Doctor" and that she had been - ever since they returned, in spite of her arguments to let her at least prepare their nightly tea. Levi had refused, much to Anya's dismay - and took care of everything. From that nightly pot of tea, to the dishes, making dinner, and cleaning up the dust from being gone for a day and a half. All the things Anya would have normally done, Levi took care of while ordering her to rest. He would do anything for her and those precious little lives growing inside of her.

"Ah, good," Nathalie sighed as she leaned back and her head rolled back on Zeke's shoulder as he wrapped an arm around her. She had no doubt that Levi would do anything for Anya. Anything for her to be in the best shape possible. "As promised, I ran tests on this," Her hand reached for the pocket of her pants and she pulled out the small bottle where she had stored the serum that Zeke had brought. She placed it on the table for Levi to see. "And I'm surprised to say that it works. It works and it's brilliant,"

"You may not trust me, but you trust my wife, right?" Zeke arched an eyebrow. He still had that cocky smirk on his face that wasn't really helping to convince Levi right now. But Levi glared at the man from across the couch and Nathalie couldn't say that the obvious annoyance in Levi's face wasn't entertaining.

"I guess I have no choice, do I?" Levi grumbled, discontent clear on his face "So, what's going to happen to me, how long is this going to take, and is it going to hurt?"

"Its effect is instantaneous, and harmless whatsoever," Nathalie pulled out a syringe from her brown-leather bag and she loaded the liquid into it. "That said, I did not try it on me, so I can't tell whether it hurts or not,"

"C'mon, you were a veteran Captain of the Survey Corps, you can handle all kinds of pains, Levi," Zeke said with that same little smile on his face and Levi glared at him once more.

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