The Morning After

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It was the next morning, and as everyone was called down to a very late breakfast, the tension was clear in the air. Two seats lay empty - one next to Levi, and one in between Connie and Hitch. They had all had their morning coffees and teas, a welcome dose of caffeine as they all knew that every last would there had likely stood up all night. Some were plotting, planning for revenge. Some were talking with Historia to figure out the best course of action. No matter what they were doing - they all had one thing on their minds - figuring out if they could both save the kingdom, and save their friends.

Niccolo was told about what happened, and thus was doing his best to prepare the most extravagant breakfast they had ever seen to hopefully ease their minds somewhat. But alas, nothing could take their minds off of the situation at hand. No amount of pastries, of fruit, of delectable dishes he could cook up would take anyone's mind off of the looming decision that was Historia's, and ultimately hers alone. A decision that they knew had the potential to break their Captain, leaving both a comrade and a friend both dead. They all knew what Historia was expected to do, even though it would break Levi's heart, even if it would break all of their hearts. There was simply no winning.

Niccolo placed a bottle of Whiskey on the table, something he would usually reserve for dinner - directly between Hitch and Levi. Almost as if by sheer coincidence, they both reached for it at the exact same time, as Connie stood up to pour them each a glass. "I don't approve of this, for the record," he mumbled as he handed Hitch her glass, scooting the other over to Levi before pouring himself one.

"My best friend is gone," Hitch responded, a coldness in her voice that was unfamiliar. Sarina was so much more to her than just a friend, even if those feelings were unrequited. And now, she'd never get to tell her. She'd never find out if her love was shared. "So excuse me if I decide to get shitfaced before she fucking dies,"

Levi huffed. "Yeah, agreed," he nodded slightly. Old habits die hard, and just as he dealt with her loss at the bottom of a bottle the first time, he was fine with coping in the same way again. After all, Furlan wasn't there to stop him this time and he could feel his heart ripping apart with every moment that went by without his sweet, sweet Anya there next to him, holding his hand. Reminding him that he was precious to her. Reminding him of why he spent all those years fighting in the fucking war. "The love of my life will be killed in two fucking days because of the incomptence of Eren literally haunting us all to our fucking graves," He shot Mikasa a glare. "Couldn't you fuck some brains into your boyfriend-brother before he died?" He snarled, content with taking out his anger on whoever happened to be in front of him. He had lost his Anya, and he had likely lost...

No, he couldn't think about it. It couldn't be true.

"He wasn't my brother!" Mikasa exclaimed as she grasped Jean's hand under the table "We never dated!"

"My point stands," Levi retorted, raising an eyebrow at her. Yeah, he thought, taking all this out on Mikasa is so mature - She'd be so proud of you right now. "The least you could have done was make sure he didn't leave fascists behind, but no - Couldn't bother talking him out of it while his dick was in your mouth," if she was here, she'd tell me to stop. He thought as he took another swig of the burning alcohol, and looked at the pastries Niccolo had prepared - the last thing he wanted to see was more things that reminded him of her, and yet - Niccolo made it a point to make all the things she would have.

"And now our only options are the kingdom being handed over to fascism or... two of our friends dying - basically by our hands..." Armin sighed as he said the words. He could only imagine the pain his Captain was in. He couldn't picture losing Annie, he couldn't fathom a life without her. And yet, his Captain had faced that life for 22 years, had barely any relief from it, and was facing it head on again.

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