A Week in Shiganshina

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Annie seemed to cling to Anya, and eventually confessed that she was the last to be brought into the closeness of the group, having previously had a 'tumultuous relationship' with some of them - a thing that no one seemed to want to explain or give any context to. Annie felt that immediate closeness to Anya as being new to the group, and helped her navigate learning about everyone and the things they had done and gone through as well as their likes and dislikes, Anya couldn't deny she also felt an immediate closeness to Annie, something in her eyes and demeanor reminded her so much of Levi.

As they made their way to the inn for the night, Anya couldn't help but feel like the Yeagerists seemed to be following them everywhere, and she wasn't alone in that. Everyone was on high alert.

Day Two In Shiganshina.

The sound of knocking echoed through the room of the inn, forcing both Anya and Levi to wake from their sleep. Anya grumbled, burying her face into his chest and trying her hardest to fall back asleep with his arms wrapped around her. Suddenly Levi heard a familiar *click* of the doors lock being picked open, and was on his feet grabbing his cane and making his way to the door, grabbing a towel to cover himself on the way. Anya rubbed her eyes as she stood up and threw on the robe she found on the floor.

As she looked to the door, she recognized the figure standing in the doorway as Levi threw the person against the wall with one arm.

"Ow! What the fuck!" Sarina called out as she felt Levi's forearm against her throat

"Oh god damn it, you pest!" Levi responded as he let go and walked away from Sarina's now crumpled form on the ground.

Anya sighed, helping her sister up. "Do you know what time it is?"

Sarina made her way to the chair that sat in the corner of the room while Levi made his way to the bathroom and Anya sat on the bed. As soon as Anya sat, Sarina threw a box her way. "I picked this up for you. Keep it on you, at least while we're here."

Anya opened the box, revealing a switchblade. "Why?" she asked, annoyance clear in her voice.

"Because those bastards are swarming this town, and Connie spotted a group of them here last night - the innkeeper said they were asking about us. He lied and said we're only here for business" Sarina responded, shifting in her seat. "I'd rather nothing happen to you. But it's your choice to listen or not."

The bathroom door opened, revealing Levi already dressed in a suit - leaving a frown on Anya's face, dashing her hopes of spending more time in bed with him.

"She's right. They're everywhere here." he grumbled as he sat next to Anya and placed a kiss on her forehead. "I hate to admit it, but I'm not exactly in the best shape," Anya moved to sit in his lap, slipping her arms around his neck. She kissed his cheek, as Sarina grumbled and stood up. "I don't want you to leave this room without it."

"Fine," Anya agreed, wrapping her arms tighter around him and smiling. "For you I will,"

Sarina rolled her eyes as she made her way out of the room, "Lunch is in an hour, sleepyheads." she reminded them as she closed the door behind her.

Day Three in Shiganshina.

"What did you just say to us?" Connie demanded as he stood up, eyeing the young man in Yeagerist garb who sat two seats down at the bar. Levi sighed, as Anya squeezed his hand. Armin made his way to Connie, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"I said, you pigs are the reason this island is damned. You should know your place," the young man repeated himself as he stood up and grabbed Connie by the collar of his shirt, Armin taking a step back as Jean grabbed the man by his hair. Sarina quickly grabbed a bottle, breaking it against the bar as she grinned and walked towards the young man, a devious look in her eyes.

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