A Birth, A Death, and The Unknown

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Levi couldn't stop the tears from pouring from his eyes, no matter how hard he tried. He was in the recovery room now, with Zeke sitting by the door and Armin and Annie sat on a bench. Everyone else was in the waiting room still, having been updated on the situation - on everything.

Upon hearing the news, Sarina cried, and screamed, and threatened to burn down the hospital if Anya wasn't alive, and safe, and healthy. She was promptly escorted out due to the threats, and was waiting at a nearby restaurant with Connie and Hitch at her side - awaiting the news on if her sister was going to live or die.

But the rest, they all sat there in anticipation of both the best and the worst.

Pieck had fallen asleep on Reiner, and Historia had drifted off while holding her daughter. Gabi lay her head on Falco's shoulder, and even Onyankopon had made his way to the hospital in hopes of being there to support Levi. But hours had passed since they arrived. Hours that felt like days to them.

Hours that felt like decades to Levi.

He cried more than he thought possible in those past hours, and after reaching the room set aside for Anya to recover in and asking for his children to be brought to him, he was told that while his children were safe and healthy, but that whenever a mother is facing complications and is near death or has died, that they keep the children separated from their mother.

So he didn't even have those precious sweet little babies in the room to take care of and distract his mind, his heart. Maybe, he thought, just maybe - if he could have them around to hold, and take care of, that maybe he would be able to get through this. He thought back to their sweet, innocent little scrunched up faces. His daughter, and his son. Anya and he had already agreed that their son would be named Furlan, and that one of their daughters would be named Kuchel.

The third child, who he knew was fighting for her precious life, was supposed to be named Isabel.

He let out another sob at the thought, unable to keep himself composed. Armin and Annie had long since given up trying to calm him down, and Zeke knew it was no use. He knew that he would be the same, a complete wreck, if it was Natahlie. He knew he would choose to save her in an instant. He knew the pain Levi was undoubtedly feeling, and he knew there was nothing that could be done to stop it.

He only hoped that Nathalie was able to save her in time, and knew he wasn't the only one hoping the same.

"We're turning the birth into a C-section," Nathalie announced, having given Anya the last little bit of Adrenaline that her body could take. Anya was about to fall into a coma, and she had to take the baby out of there as fast as possible or it was going to die. She didn't care what Levi said at this point. She was going to save the both, but the child's life was what most needed saving right now.

"Do I administer the anesthetics, doctor?" a nurse piped up, ready to walk out the door and go find the nearest anesthesiologist,

"No. She's already too far gone, she won't need them," Nathalie grabbed the lancets that were laid down beside her on a metallic tray. There was blood everywhere and there was about to drop out so much more, "besides, there's no time..."

Nathalie started the laparotomy by cutting the skin in a straight line right beneath the abdomen. Upon entering the peritoneal cavity, she started the hysterotomy. She had to do this fast, but then how fast can somebody run a C-section AND a hysterectomy? She groaned as she let down the lancet. Her nurses wiped the gushing blood away and Nathalie dug her fingers within the flesh. She cringed mentally. If Anya was awake right now, she would be screaming at the top of her lungs.

After moment's that dragged on, Nathalie finally spotted the head. "I've got it!" She turned at her nurses, "I need an extra hand here!" One of them approached right away and dipped her hand within the bloody areas. "Great, push upwards. We need to bring it out,"

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