The Wedding Part II

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"You can literally help save the world, but you are too incompetent to make sure a three year old doesn't lose a diamond ring?" Levi asked as he looked at everyone in the room, save for Armin, Annie, and Anya. They felt like they were once again looking at their stoic, angry Captain, but anger couldn't even begin to describe how he was feeling as he looked at their grim expressions. Anger wasn't the emotion of the moment, no - he was nervous, he was desperate, and that was so much more terrifying to them.

Sarina cleared her throat, "Look, we're not the ones who lost it, she is!" she exclaimed, rolling her eyes.

Levi couldn't help but walk up to her and face her, meeting her intoxicated brown eyes with the darkness in his own. Is she really blaming a child? "She is three years old," he reminded her, "I know you like to act her age, but she is a child, and you are an adult" There was no way he was going to let them get away with this - his orders were clear, make sure the toddler isn't the one holding it. In fact, Jean was supposed to be holding on to it. He turned his attention there, to where Jean stood next to Mikasa. "Where is it Jean?" He asked, looking up until their eyes met.

"I-I..." Jean started, before Mikasa interjected.

"It's not his fault you fucking midget!" MIkasa growled, stepping in front of her boyfriend and looking down at Levi with anger. "You shouldn't have trusted any of them with it!"

Levi rolled his eyes, in spite of knowing that the girl was right. "Where was the last place she had it?" he asked, deadpan as always to hide his feelings. He watched as everyone shifted where they stood.This isn't good he thought, watching as even Mikasa looked away

Jean swallowed, "In the reception hall," he responded, as Levi raised an eyebrow, "We had to go down there to make sure everything was set up for our table like Annie wanted, and she started showing the ring to the people who were setting everything up,"

"It's the only place we haven't looked," Sarina began, stepping next to Levi and placing her hand on his shoulder, "we will find it - we just have to get through the ceremony first." He couldn't imagine having to go the entire ceremony with the weight in his chest, the feeling like he had completely ruined what could have been such a magical moment for Anya by entrusting these people instead of only himself. Sarina cleared her throat again, and took a swig from her flask. "You need to distract her at the end of the reception. All we need is an hour after the send-off, and between all of us we can look for it without being noticed."

He pinched the bridge of his nose between his thumb and forefinger, knowing that what she was saying was correct but hating to agree with her. "How do you propose I keep her busy during the wedding?"

Sarina grinned deviously, "oh, I think you can figure that out, find a closet or something - spice it up a little, I'm sure even you lame ass lovebirds are sick of missionary," She let out a laugh at the blush on Levi's face from the innuendo as he swallowed, and the others couldn't help but stifle back a chuckle. Just as soon as the embarrassed look came onto his face, he washed it away.

"Fine, I'll distract her after the ceremony. But you idiots had better find it." he scoffed as he walked out of the room, fighting the temptation to hit Sarina with his cane on the way out.

Everyone lined up for their places in the ceremony, as Armin walked in alone and took his place in front of the elaborate archway.

Moments later, once the doors had closed, he would be followed by Levi as the best man escorting Hitch as the maid of honor, and then all of the other couples who were paired up accordingly - Jean and Mikasa, Reiner and Pieck, Gabi and Falco, Connie and Sarina, and finally Historia and Anya, with Historia to stand by Armin and Anya to stand with Annie. They would be followed by Princess Frieda, tossing her flower petals to make way for the bride.

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