Chapter 3

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Around 40 minutes later we pulled up at the boys house. I had been here once before, early last year when they first bought it together.

A decent sized 2 story, 4 bed house in a quaint little road. The type of American dream house with a white picket fence and colourful flowers out the front. A pool filled the back yard with several sun loungers round the outside. The boys loved to entertain guests, so god knows how many drunken late nights they had in the pool!

"Which ones my room?" I asked Seb eagerly

"I moved out the master bedroom last week when mom called about her travel plans. Can't have the baby sister sharing a bathroom with the 3 men in the house now can we!"

I nodded approvingly

"We thought it would give you a bit more room as well to settle in and make it feel like home. Noah's room is next door and mine and Jace's are down the end of the hall. We even painted it for you the other day. I hope you like it" he finished, grinning at me.

Getting out the car into the heat here was a dream. Living just a few blocks from the beach was going to be ideal. We lived hours away from the coast back in Texas so I was looking forward to spending more time on the beach. Maybe that's where I'd meet a cute boy.

"Guys we're home!" Seb yelled through the front door as we walked in, putting the keys down on the console table

"BABY SISSY!" Jace ran yelling down the stairs, knocking me over as he landed on the landing and pushing us both onto the couch.

"Oi you fat piece of shit get off me!" Jace giggled, Seb did not.

"Maya come on dude, you only just got here. Enough with the swearing" Seb said disapprovingly

"How have you been? How was the flight? Can I show you your room we decorated it this week for you!" 101 questions came at once from Jace. He was the brother I was closest too. He was still ver over protective, but under stood me a little bit more than Seb. He certainly let me get away with more that's for sure!

"How about we introduce her to Noah first, and then we will let her settle into her new room?" Questioned Seb

"Sure. He's in the pool doing his morning laps" Jace finally got off me and pulled me up. Motioning for me to follow him outside.

Walking through the rest of the fron room and into the kitchen I admired how surprisingly clean this place was considering 3 boys lived here. Busy at work AND party goer boys too. Hopefully this wasn't just a facade for my arrival and it was generally kept this way. Housework was not something that interested me, living with my parents as their only princess meant it was all done for me in the past.

Heading out the doors into the swimming pool I admired the tanned back of someone swimming laps around the pool. A small pair of white trunks hugged his muscly legs as he swam. From out of no where a ball flew past my head and landed full speed on Noah's shoulder in the pool.

He immediately stopped and looked around for the culprit with a confused glare.

"Oi you fucking prick, what was that for?" and then he saw me.

His blue eyes stared deeply into mine. And I think I even forgot how to breathe for a second or two. His hair was wet and flopped to one side, slightly darker than my shiny blonde hair.

He walked towards the side of the pool in front of us and lifted himself out the pool with ease. As he got to his waist line, I couldn't help but glare at the washboard abs that wrapped around his stomach. Man this was going to be hard to stay here. There is a sex god living in my house! This guy was the definition of gorgeous.

"You must be Maya right? Your brothers have told me a lot about you!" He said smirking and walking over, clearly knowing the effect he had on me already

"They haven't told me much about you surprisingly" I responded. Only that he was a massive player and I should stay away from him.

"You wait. That'll change" he said smirking "Everybody in a 2 hour radius knows my name and you'll be screaming it one day too!"

"Noah. Don't be such a dick already. You know the rules. The baby sister is off limits. She's only 17 you know, and we've already warned her off you." Seb said sternly

"Hey! I can be good Seb. I'll treat her like a princess you just wait. She will love living with the 3 of us"

"Is that so?" Jace added "I am not sure she will after this..." Jace stopped and looked at me and then looked behind me acknowledging the pool.

Oh shit, I thought. Knowing what was coming next. My 5,2 foot small frame was not going to get me out of this one. So I closed my eyes and waited for impact.

Suddenly I was thrown over my brothers shoulder and we landed at full speed into the luke warm pool water.

As I came up for air I looked at my brother disapprovingly. "You're and ass" I said crossing my arms across my chest. My white top now see through and show casing my new Victoria Secret lace bra.

Seb and Noah looked at each other on the side and too decided they would join us in the pool. They both ran at full speed, Noah diving in over the top of me with ease and Seb bombing into the deep end with a loud splash.

Whilst my brothers were arguing about teams for a game of chicken Noah swam up behind me.

"Nice bra" he smirked. His dimples now on full view

"Thanks it's new" I said confidently back. "and by the way, I'm 18 in a few months, so not so much of a baby after all"

And with that I swam off in the direction of my brothers, leaving Noah with a puzzled expression.

Well this was going to be interesting!

Next up; the flirting games begin!

Bad Boy Brothers, little sisterWhere stories live. Discover now