Chapter 30

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Recap; "You looked good out there princess" said Noah smirking, as I turned to look at him

I leaped into his arms in excitement, the adrenaline of the game still present.

"You gonna keep this outfit on for later?" Noah whispered in my ear, kissing my cheek after. His lips lingering there for longer than a quick kiss

"Brothers present" said Seb coughing from behind Noah. Jace standing next to him already in conversation with Grace.

"I am watching you Jace Fletcher Adams" I said, Noah releasing me from his arms. "Hurt my friend and I'll hurt you"

I grabbed Noah's hand walking him off the field, looking behind me once shooting a knowing wink at Grace. Who am I to stand in the way of my best friends happiness.

Noah pulled me under his arm as we continued to walk. I linked my fingers into his hand that rested on my shoulder and lent my head into his chest. This guy better not break my heart. 

"Shut up you dork. We aren't doing that" I said throwing a pillow at Seb's face the following weekend. It had been a few days since the football match and I was sat at home with my brothers and Noah. Deciding what to do over Christmas break. 

"What?" said Seb "I think it would be better to use not celebrate it this year"

"Im sorry guys I am with Maya on this one" said Noah "Christmas is the best holiday of the year" 

"Then it's decided" I said standing up from the coach and putting my arms strongly on my hips. "We will hold the very first Adams plus Noah family Christmas" 

It would be our first without our parents in the country. Normally the boys would fly back to spend Christmas with my parents and I. It would be weird not spending it with them, but I guess I was becoming an adult now and they wouldn't be around forever. 

"Ugh fine then" said Seb "But I am NOT doing the cooking"

"That's alright, I can cover that department" said Jace confidently 

I sat back down next to Noah, glad to get my way on this one and looking forward to spending my first Christmas with Noah. I wondered what I would I could get him. I only got a small allowance sent to me every month from my parents. I know it was the thought that counted but I still wanted it to be good. 

"Does it snow in South Carolina?" I asked probably sounding stupid but remaining hopeful for a white Christmas 

All the boys chuckled and I hurried my head embarrassed into Noah's shoulder

"Babe it is about 50' F  all December" Noah said kissing my head 

"Nice thought though Maya" Jace said standing up and walking over to rub my head 

Just then the door bell rang. It was a Saturday morning and we weren't expecting anyone. Maybe it was one of the girls?

Jace, who was already standing walked over to the door to open it. All of us looking curiously to see who it was. Jace pulled open the door

"Surprise" someone screamed 

I sat up from where I was slouched into Noah's side and jumped away from him. My mouth falling open in shock. My brothers faces resembling mine. 

My parents. 

My parents were here in South Carolina. 

My parents were here and they didn't know I had a boyfriend. Or that he was the boys best friend. Or that he lived here. Or that he was much older than me. 

I was royally screwed. 

"Well don't just sit there" announced my mom walking further into the room. "Come and give us a hug" she exclaimed throwing her arms open towards me and Seb. Jace still standing there in shock but giving our dad a friendly side hug and manly pat on the back. 

I got up awkwardly and walked quickly over to her. Seb doing the same, both of us meeting our mum in the middle and relaxing into her embrace. 

Somone coughed behind us after a few seconds, and realising it was Noah, i pulled away from our mother. 

Turning to now look at Noah he was awkwardly rubbing the back of his head, his t-shirt riding up slightly at the side.

"And who is this?" said my father who was now stood next to us. 

"I am Noah sir" he said walking towards him and extending my hand. Then doing the same to my mother. As he pulled away he looked at them and spoke. "I am Maya's boyfriend" 


What will the parents make of Maya and Noah together? Remember they didn't even know that he was living there so it may come as a shock!

Thankyou everyone SO much for the love and support 'Bad Boy brothers, little sister" has received over the last few weeks! So many new readers and lots of votes! Thankyou!

Update soon!

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