Chapter 16

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Noah took my hand into his and pulled me away from where he had parked his car. He had 2 camping style chairs in his other hand which he had resting on his shoulder. 

I could still see the sea, though now it was below us like we were up high on a cliff. 

He continued leading me down a steep overgrown footpath, and through thick overgrown grass. About 10 minutes later Noah stopped walking. "Take a look princess" he said and I stopped and took a proper look around. 

We were half way down the cliff, stood in front of a small cave. Cliff jumpers were diving in a bit further along and the sea crashed peacefully below us. You could see the main part of the beach in the distance with very small looking people walking up and down. 

It was beautiful and I could see why Noah liked it so much. 

He sat down on one of the chairs, motioning for me to do the same. 

"Isn't it beautiful?" Noah said winking at me "I found this place when I was going through a rough time in high school. It became my happy place" 

Not wanting to ask him about his past just yet, I nodded in agreement. Knowing he would talk to me about that when the time was right. 

"It is perfect Noah. Thankyou for bringing me"

We sat peacefully for a while, watching the cliff divers finish off for the day. Some of them putting on an impressive show for us. The sun was starting to set, which reminded me we came here to talk and would need to leave before it was pitch black. 

"I like you Noah. But I am scared. I am scared of getting hurt, I am scared of what my brothers will think and most of all I am scared about falling insanely in love with you and you not wanting me anymore because of it" I said whilst nervously twiddling my fingers

"I'll be real with you Maya, this is new to me too. I have never really been a guy for relationships. But my old ways were getting tiring and when I saw you watching me in the pool on that first day, I knew it was someone giving me a sign. You and I were meant to be. Is it going to be easy? No probably not. Am I going to promise that I won't mess up? You know I can't do that. But will I try and be the best person I can be and treat you like the princess you deserve to be? absolutely"

I looked up at him from where I sat on the chair. Here he was spilling his heart out to me on top of a cliff. A gorgeous, handsome and total sex god of a roommate wanted to be with me.

"And as for your brothers..." he began "For now, it can be a secret. But if they find out I won't be ashamed or scared. If they really valued our friendship and really cared about their little sister then they would just want us both to be happy. We can cross that bridge when it comes to it. Okay?"

I paused for a while. I didn't want to upset my brothers, but the heart wants what the heart wants. Noah said so himself it was like we were meant to be. 

"Okay" I said looking back at him "Okay, let's do this"

"Can I kiss you now princess?" he asked impatiently

Smirking in response I nodded my head and moved it closer to his. 

Kissing Noah was nothing like kissing all those boys back in Texas. It felt like something magical, like it was giving me wings to fly. Or like I had a bowl of all my favourite candy and ate it all in one go. It made me feel like a princess, which was exactly like he wanted. 

He reluctantly pulled away after what felt like a dream, and he suggested we should get going as the light was quickly fading. Reaching the car he pushed me against it and smashed his lips back onto mine. 

Moaning when his tongue entered my mouth, I once again felt like I was flying on cloud 9. 

We finally got into the car and drove off in the direction of home. Knowing my brothers would be here we agreed we would let them know that Noah had picked me up after I had dinner with my friends at the diner. Technically that wasn't a complete lie. 


Walking through the front door, my brothers were on the sofa with a beer watching the tv. 

"Hey guys" I said, trying to sound confident so they didn't suspect anything 

"Hey May" they both said "How was the beach?" Seb finsihed

"It was great, Noah just picked me up from Mary's? Do you guys know that place?" I asked, watching Noah walk round to sit next to my brother on the sofa

"Oh we love that place. Sorry we haven't taken you there yet. Isn't little Mary just the cutest?" Jace said

I filled the boys in on my day, telling them about how Mary was Joe's great aunt, and how the group got every flavour of milkshake so I could try them all. Of course leaving out the part about Noah taking me to the cliffs. 

"Well I am totally knackered from all that sun so I am going to have a bubble bath and then go to bed" I said to the boys and then walking up the stairs 

"Night little sis" called Jace "Goodnight May" said Noah 

Relaxing amongst the bubbles, playing some old school Miley Cyrus, I shut my eyes. Though no sooner than I had, I heard rummaging at the bathroom door followed by someone pushing it open. 

About to scream, I looked who it was. 


"Noah get out" I said sinking further under the bubbles, not quite ready for him to see my naked just yet. 

"Sssh Princess, I just wanted to give you a proper kiss goodnight. Me and your brothers are going to meet some guys at the bar, will you be okay by yourself? As much as I want to stay with you, I already promised I'd go."

I nodded, still not quite knowing what I thought about this entire situation. 

"Alright then I will see you tomorrow" He said and leant down to kiss me. It felt very intimate him kissing me like this, but I didn't complain. 

"Oh and princess?" he asked looking back at me whilst he opened the door "Nice nipples" he walked out laughing. 

I gasped. 

Looking down at my body in the bubbles I could make out my nipples poking through, not quite being covered. Damn you Noah. 

Not sure whether to feel amused or embarrassed, I got out the bath and into my underwear which of course doubled as my PJS once again. I went to bed, feeling excited and slightly nervous to see what the next day would bring. 

Next up; What will happen now Maya and Noah have decided to give things a go? When will they be caught?

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