Chapter 34

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RECAP: "Noah, thank you for looking after our baby girl" he said now looking at Noah "We know she's no angel but she is still our girl and we haven't stopped worrying about her since leaving"

"Yet you still left anyway" I muttered underneath my breath earning a stare from both my parents

"What about us?" said Seb "We have looked after her too"

"You don't have a choice, she's your sister" said my dad whacking him over the back of the head and laughing

My mom laughed "Yes Thankyou Noah. You clearly make our Maya very happy"


It was the last day before winter break and I was on the field with Ella and Grace. Our last cheer session of the year had just ended and we were packing away everything before leaving to go back to mine. We were celebrating the end of the year with a girls night. 

"My brothers said they would go our tonight to give us a few hours to catch up" I said whilst passing Ella the last of the mats

"So Jace won't be there?" said Grace trying to hide her disappointment 

"He is going out." I said again rolling my eyes at her

"And what about your sex god of a boyfriend?" smirked Ella

"He is going with them. Can we go NOW" I said fed up now. "Shall we order take out?" I continued, grateful for a change in topic

"Only if you're paying" said Grace

My brothers left me some money to do just that, not that I was going to tell them "Finneeeeee" I said. The girls followed me back into the gym hall to put the boxes away and then we walked towards Ella's car.

"Shot gun" called Grace looking at me to stick her tongue out. I rolled my eyes again. She's such a diva. Maybe Jace would be perfect for her. They could be sass queens together 


After we had got back an ordered takeout, we chilled by the pool waiting for it to arrive. California in December really did not get cold. My body was definitely confused but I was loving the extra bit of sun. 

"So Maya, how is having a boyfriend? Is it everything you wanted" asked Ella 

"Honestly." I started "It is. It's perfect. He is perfect" 

"Awww look she's blushing" smirked Grace

I kicked my feet towards her that were in the water, splashing her in the process

"Noah is just perfect. But my mom said something last week that has made me wonder about where all this is going" I knew the girls may be able to help enlighten me on what to do with my future. I still had no clue. Maybe talking to them would allow me to process all my options. 

"What is it May?" asked Ella inquisitively looking over at me sipping her drink through a straw

"I just don't know what I want to do with my life anymore" I sighed "I love it here. I love California, and I love being with my brothers and Noah, and you girls" I continued "But I don't know what to do once school is over"

Grace chuckled slightly "That's just life Maya" she leant over and draped her arm behind me "I only decided last year. I want to go to college. I am going to apply all over, but my dream is set on  going to England. I have always wondered what it was like so it will be perfect." she smiled "But know one is asking you to decide now. You can't rush a decision like that"

Not sure if her words helped, or stressed me out knowing she had too decided what to do I lowered my head. 

"But I have literally NO idea. And once I decide on that idea who am I to make Noah join me." I paused "We've only been seeing each other for a couple of months, but I really love him you know. He is what I want after school. But I am just not sure what else" 

We heard a knock at the door. Food! So we all got up to get another drink and bits from the kitchen. 

"Hey Maya" said Ella "Can we have these beers from the fridge?" she called to me as I went to open the door for the food 

I grabbed the food, paid and returned to the kitchen were the girls stood

"Sure" I said. My brothers had learned to trust me a lot more over the last couple of months. I am sure they wouldn't mind. 

We retreated back outside and sat down with our beer and food to eat. 

"So fucking good" said Grace pretending to faint after taking her first bite"

Yes. I thought. She would be perfect for Jace. I think I would let operation Jace X Grace commence! 


After we'd finished. We continued to lay around the pool talking. It was now dark but the lights from the pool allowed us to continue. I was no closer to deciding what to do, in-fact I was definitely more freaked out about the impending decision. But slightly buzzed from the beer, I tried to push it to the back of my mind. 

We heard some muffled noises walking through the house and I knew the boys were back. 

"Can we join you ladies" said Jace poking his head round the outside door. A mischievous smile plastered on his face. His head was then joined by Seb and Noah's too. A rather comical picture, the 3 of us just laughed at them. 

Grace responded first "Sure" she sat up from where she was lying on the chair and patted her seat next to her motioning to Jace to join her. 

I rolled my eyes and laughed. Noah walking over to where Ella and I were sat and engulfing me in a hug. Seb had disappeared. 

"Good night?" I asked Noah as he sat down with us 

"Pretty shit actually" he laughed "Sorry to crash your party but we didn't want to stay any longer than we had too"

"Oh" I said resting my head on his shoulder

"Maya Grace" I head Seb scream from inside the house "Where is the rest of the beer" he said bringing the now half empty box outside

"Sorry Seb. We thought it would be okay" replied Ella fluttering her eye lids at him. 

Knowing this would work, I relaxed again but smirked in the direction of Ella

"Alright. But just ask next time." he said "Anyone want one" 

He was met with a chorus of nods and yes' including from us girls. Knowing the girls being here, and the new found trust he had in me I knew it would be fine. I looked over at where Grace and Jace were sat talking. Close enough to see their expressions, but slightly far away to hear their whispered conversation. Grace looked in my direction and caught me staring. I winked and she laughed. 

Seb returned a few minutes later with open beer bottles on a tray and passed them out. This could be a long night. 

Another update! Part 1 of the 'girls night' complete! Another part coming soon...!

Thankyou everyone for the support. What would you like to see happen next?

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