Chapter 26

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The next day I was sat around the breakfast table with Noah. We agreed today was the day to tell them. As much as I was scared to see how my brothers reacted, I also knew we were just delaying the inevitable. We may as well as get it over and done with. 

I sat down with a glass of milk and spoke quietly to Noah. 

"How are we going to do this?' I asked nervously, still unsure about how to approach this

"Don't worry princess, I will take the hit if thats what you're asking" he said putting his spoon down and winking at me 

"That's not what I mean Noah. I have been as much to blame for this as you. You are just irresistible and I couldn't stay away" I whispered

Just then we could hear footsteps coming down the stairs and towards the kitchen. I looked at Noah for reassurance. This was it. 

"What are you two whispering about?" asked Seb walking into the kitchen with Jace just behind him. Jace wasn't wearing a top

"Ewww gross, don't you ever put a top on" I said screwing my eyes up at Jace

"You don't complain when Noah has his top off" He said walking past and kissing my head before taking a seat next to me 

"That's because Noah isn't my brother you twat"

"He may as well be" said Seb "He's almost more protective of you then we are" If only they knew what Noah really meant to me. Well I guess they were about to find out. Here goes nothing.

"We actually wanted talk to you too actually..."I began but couldn't finish. There was a long pause before Noah spoke up 

"We ummm.. We you know..."Noah hesitated too "We wanted to know if you wanted to go to the beach later for a bbq" 

"Ummm, yeah" I said clearly startled by the change in events "We thought it would be something nice to do before the weather got colder"

"Sounds like a plan" said Seb 

I looked in Noah's direction whilst I twiddled my fingers nervously under the table. This clearly wasn't our plan but maybe breaking it to them at the beach was a safer option. I guess I'd have to procrastinate all day over their reaction instead. Wish us luck!


That evening we set up at the beach. Our mini bbq was heating up and the boys had jumped into the waves straight away before it got to dark. Noah and I had exchanged a few words throughout the day whilst I hid out in my room. We didn't really have a plan. We were just hoping they'd let us talk whilst they listened. 

Shortly after the boys left the water the food was cooked and we all sat down to enjoy our food whilst watching the sun set. 

"So there's something I need to tell all of you" said Noah during our meal 

"Spit it out then you wet bag" said Seb laughing at his un- Noah like state. You could tell by the tone in Noah's voice he was nervous and not his normal cocky like self. 

"There's no easy way of saying this" Noah began 

My brothers looked curiously at him whilst I shuffled nervously on my seat planning my escape route away from them all. If I ran quick enough I recon I could get to Ella's house before my brothers caught up with me. 

"I'm in love with Maya"

There it was. The words I loved to hear, but at this very moment wished they were directed at me and not heard by my over-protective older brothers. No one spoke a word

"I'm in love with Maya" Noah said again, this time he looked up in the direction of where Seb and Jace sat. "I've been in love with her since the first time I laid eyes on her"

"I'm sorry" said Seb standing up. "I don't think I heard that correctly" he looked at me 

"I love him too Seb" I said standing up "He makes me feel safe and whole every time we're together" 

"Together?" questioned Seb now turning to loom at Noah "You mean to say you've touched my baby sister?"

Seb walked over to Noah and pushed him from the shoulders. Noah stumbled backwards but managed to keep himself standing. Seb left him alone but didn't keep his eyes off him, planning what he was going to do next.

Jace stayed seated with his head down. I wanted him to say something. I wanted to know what he was thinking. 

"Mate I told you to stay away" said Seb "She only turned 18 yesterday. How is that okay" Anger was building in his voice. He clearly did not approve of our relationship. 

Just then Jace got up from his chair and threw his food on the floor. He walked off kicking the chair as he went. He started to storm up the beach. 

"Jace" I yelled starting off in his direction 

"Leave him May" said Noah still being stared out by an angry Seb "Give him some time"

Well it could've gone worse right? 

What happens next? What does Jace end up saying when they see him?

Update soon! Thankyou everyone!

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