Chapter 20

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Thankyou for reading! I have loved developing Maya's character over the chapters, she really is one rebellious high schooler. I wish I was as confident and outgoing as Maya is when I was her age. 

Which character do you think you're most like?


Holy Fuck

My Head hurt like a bitch

I sat up holding my head and memories of the night before came flooding back. Before I could finish trying to remember last nights events, I had to run to the bathroom and puke the entire contents of my stomach up. 

Walking back to my bed I noticed the time was 1.16pm, I may as well just go back to bed right? Picking up my phone I noticed a text from Noah. 

Received 12.30pm

Morning Princess. Your brothers have asked me to leave the house for the afternoon so they can chat to you. Good luck, just remember they are only trying to look out for you. You worried me last night too, maybe less time drinking and more time making out with me next time? ;) N xx

Ughh. I was royally screwed. They were going to be mega pissed at me for last night. I remember passing out at the party and then waking up when Noah carried me through the house. I am sure my brothers could work out the rest. 

Changing into my sweats and brushing my hair back out of my face, I trudged downstairs not knowing what to expect. 

"Sit down Maya please" Said Seb when he came into view. Both my brothers were sat down around the table, both with very unimpressed expressions. 

"Look, I don't need a lecture" I said making my way over and putting my hand out in an attempt to stop them continuing "I am sorry about last night, it won't happen again" I sat down very unwillingly but knew they would not back down that easily. 

"Maya, what happened last night?" asked Jace 

"Well big brother" I began "Sometimes when people have a lot to drink they get a bit tipsy, and have lots of fun with their friends at a party and then sometimes do silly things with them" I said sarcastically tolling my eyes. I really didn't want tot start a fight but knowing they had done a lot worse in high school made me angry. 

"Shut it Maya" said Seb clearly not impressed with my attitude

"Maya you could've died. If you're friends hadn't have called Noah, who knows where you could've ended up. What if someone took advantage of you..." Jace started but I interupted

"Look, I am not that silly or naive. Last night I just got a little bit more buzzed than usual. Nothing I can't handle" I finished

"And the weed?" said Seb

"What about it?" again, I rolled my eyes "Everyone did it back in Texas, I am sure your school mates did the same" I snorted

I liked the buzz that drinking and weed gave me. My group of friends back in texas used to do weed all the time under the bleachers at school. Sometimes if I knew I would have a free house after I joined in.

"You're grounded" said Seb "No friends, No parties and No more drinking Maya we mean it. We will call mom and dad next time."

Still finding this amusing I snorted "And what do you expect them to do? They are half way around the world by now, they won't come back for me. They didn't care when they were home, and they won't care now"

"Of course they care Maya, just like we do. You aren't acting like the baby sister we left in Texas a few years ago" said Jace

"I'm 17 now, what do you expect? Mom and Dad were never home, so I would go out and hang with my friends. They didn't care about me when you left, their perfect sons were gone and miss independent Maya was left to fend for herself"

Truth is, things weren't awful when the boys left for college. But they started going out more on the weekends, and then in the week. Throwing big parties for their friends at our house and making me go out. Leaving me money to get my own dinner when they would go away for a couple of weeks at a time. I was still young, I still needed them. I loved my mom and my dad, but they didn't treat me the same they did the boys. 

"So smoking, and doing weed is because mom and dad ignored you? Why didn't you call us and ask for help or to move here sooner? We could've helped Maya" said Seb

"You are still grounded" said Jace "But maybe we can try and spend more time together too, learn what our 17 year old baby sister enjoys doing, hang out more together you know"

"Yeah" said Seb "Maybe Noah can join us too" My face lit up 

"There isn't anything going on between you two is there May?" Seb said clearly noticing me perk up

"Don't be silly, who would like me?" I said rolling my eyes and getting up from the table 

"Good because he is basically our brother, and you're too good for him" said Jace walking over and kissing my cheek 

I rolled my eyes. If only they knew! He is nothing like a brother to me. Maybe he will be their brother-in-law one day though? Oh Maya. I laughed to myself.  

"You are still grounded" said Seb "One month of being our perfect little sister again and then maybe we can talk. We want you to have fun Maya and be a bit more sensible when you are drinking. But absolutely no smoking or drugs, you have too much going for you to be into that shit. It can fuck with your life. As your current guardians we won't let that happen"

So maybe they were coming round to the idea of treating me more like an adult and not just their baby sister. Last night was a slight lack in judgement, and I did drink beyond my limit, I know that now. No regrets though, it was a smashing party!

"Oh and Maya?" asked Jace "I hope your hangover hurts, you deserve it for putting us through that shit"

I rolled my eyes and continued getting a bowl of cereal. Walking back up the stairs

"Maybe text Noah Maya, he was worried too" said Seb 

Sitting down in my bed with my cereal I noticed a few more messages from Noah. 

Received 1.30pm

Are you okay?

Received 1.36pm

Are you alive? Have your brothers killed you yet?

Received 1.52pm

Please text me back baby I am worried

Replying back I thanked him for looking after me last night

Sent 2.01

I'm not dead, but it was close! I am grounded, but they have agreed to try and spend more time with me. You're invited 2 xx

He replied back within a minute 

Received 2.02pm 


I was getting worried. More time with you? I won't say no to that. Maybe I will finally get to see you naked ;)

Laughing to myself I threw my phone to the end of my bed and decided to try and get some more sleep, The effects of last night slowly starting to make me feel even worse. 

Well there we have it! Maya has some understanding brothers. I wonder what will happen when the 4 of them spend more time together. 

Next up; Will her brothers catch on to Maya and Noah's relationship?

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