Chapter 15

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Filler chapter so we get to know more about how Maya is feeling and what her friends think! Enjoy!

I woke up late the next morning to an empty house. I quickly finished a bowl of cereal and left my brothers a note saying I had gone to meet my friends at the beach and to text me if they needed anything. I was running late, so d

Dressed in a red bikini covered with a little white cover up, I started to walk in the direction of the beach.

I had to text the group when I arrived to find out where they were. Kai had reply with their location and I went in search of them.

Finding them a few minutes later, lounging about on the sand I joined the group.

"Oh so you are alive?" mocked Grace "Why didn't you answer your phone this morning? We would've picked you up?"

"I was asleep" I said setting my towel down

"By yourself I hope" I heard Ella whisper quietly so only I could hear.

Sending her a knowing look I sat down and began to apply sun lotion.

We chilled out on the sand before I joined the girls in the sea for some paddling. It was a hot day.

"Girls" I said looking at them "I don't know what to do. I'm falling for Noah and I'm scared"

I filled them in on what happened last night after the movie. Trying to give them all the details so they could give me honest advice.

"Oh babe" Ella said sympathetically. She walked over to me in the water and wrapped me in a hug.

"What are you afraid of?" Said Grace

"My brothers for one. If they ever found out I would be locked away forever and I'm sure they would kick Noah out. And just Noah is such a player. He said I could trust him and that this is different but I just don't know if I believe him" I said rambling on

"Oh girl, I'd say just let your heart take you where it wants to go. Don't be afraid of getting hurt, that's no way to live your life. If you went around not doing anything that made you scared then you'd live a pretty boring life" said Grace

She was right. If I didn't do anything I even remotely feared, then that wouldn't be an enjoyable life.

I needed to talk to Noah and ask him to be patient, but that I would try. We just couldn't tell my brothers.

"Thanks guys. I knew I could ask you" I said feeling a little bit better about the situation.

We continued to swim around a bit before the guys joined us for a rematch of chicken. Me being paired with Kai again as Flynn wanted to beat us fair and square.

It was starting to get cooler and families were packing up from the beach to go home.

"Fancy going to Mary's diner?" Said Joe

"Mary's diner? What's that?" I said curious

"Your brothers haven't taken you to Mary's diner yet?" Asked Grace "Girl you have not lived! Let's go!" She said grabbing my hand

Mary's diner was on the beach. A small traditional looking place with red and white covered chairs and the tiniest salt and pepper shakers.

"Hey Gang" said a little old lady who stood by the front door greeting guests "And who is this?" She asked looking at me

"Aunt Mary this is Maya, Maya this is Mary" said Joe introducing us to each other

She directed us to what I could assume was the groups normal table and took our orders. I opted for a shake and a burger like everyone else.

"Mary is my great aunt" said Joe "She is getting too old to do much around here but she still comes every day to greet the customers" Joe said smiling proudly

It was nice to be out with my new friends. Not the usual hangout my friends and I would go in Texas but it was good to do something different.

Flynn had been fairly quiet towards me. But I didn't mind, he clearly knew now that I wasn't interested.

My phone buzzed

* Hey it's Noah, do you need picking up? *

*It is okay I can get a lift. We are at Mary's? I'm almost finished *

*Be there in 10* replied Noah instantly

Well I guess I was leaving then. Focusing back on the current topic of the chat at the table, jock straps, I laughed trying to pretend I had been listening.

"Guys I've got to go" I said standing up "My lift is here" Looking at Ella and Grace slightly nervously they new it was Noah that was here

"See you later May" "Bye Maya" "See ya" said the group

I put my share of the money on the table and made my way outside, saying Thankyou to Mary as I walked past.

"Hey princess" Noah said as I got in the car, relieved not to see my brothers so that we could talk. "Want to go for a walk?" he continued

I nodded my head in response, not yet able to make eye contact.

It seemed like we had been driving for ages but it can't have been long as I could still see the sea.

We got out the car and he walked round to me.

"Where are we?" I asked eagerly

"This princess, is my favourite place in the world"

Up Next; Where did Noah take Maya? What will they talk about?

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