Chapter 7

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I wake up the next morning; Friday. With another one of those painful screeching headaches. Relieved that it was late in the morning already, intact it was almost lunch time, meant that no one would be at home as it's a work day.

Relieved was an understatement. A wave of sickness overwhelmed me and I rushed to my adjoining en-suite and puked the contents of last night up into the bowl.

"Maya" I heard from outside the door "are you alright?"

Shit. It was Jace. What was he doing home.

"Umm yeah Jace" I replied after wiping my mouth. I must've eaten something dodgy last night at the party

"Oh yeah" he said through the door "was it called something like drinkingtoomuchbeer" he said in a tone I couldn't quite work out

I rose to my feet and opened the bedroom door.

"Busted" Jace smirked, his arms crossed over his chest. "Maya, what did we say yesterday. Do you remember? NO drinking" he continued, this time not so happily.

I chose that moment to walk away and get back into my bed. Unsure where to look, I tucked myself under my covers in the hope of getting some more sleep now I felt better.

"Maya Rose Adams" I gulped. The full name drop was never good "Have you learnt your lesson?" Jace asked

I pulled the duvet down to my chin and nodded, scared, though slightly amused.

"Good. Well don't do it again or I'll have to tell Seb" he said. I was slightly relieved that he wasn't going to do that already.

My eyes began to close and he walked out my room turning out my lights again on his way.

"Where's my baby sister gone?" He said quietly and laughed "God were going to have our hands full Seb" he said to himself


By the afternoon I felt better and began organising my books ready to start school in just over a week. Relieved now I made a few friends prior to starting I felt a lot calmer about the situation.

I was popular back in Texas. Not the kind of cheerleader whore, but enough that everyone loved me and saw me as a friend. I wasn't a bitch, though there were a few girls in my class who I disliked. I missed my friends but I was relieved to start a fresh.

Checking my phone I was confused to see a text from an unknown number

'Hey Maya, it's Ella. Fancy a girls night tomorrow? Thought us girls could get together so we could get to know you a bit better before school xo'

I must've given her my number last night after a few too many beers. Hoping I hadn't given my number to anyone else, I responded.

'Ella! That'd be amazing. Why don't you come to mine? I'll text you my address in the morning. Movies and pizza? M x'

After flicking through my AP English book I got a response

'Sounds good, we will see you at 7pm tomorrow! xo'

Excited to have my first group of friends back to my new house I bounced downstairs, careful not to wake the now dull hangover and let the boys know. They had just got back from work and Seb was now cooking dinner.

"I have friends coming round tomorrow Seb is that okay?" I asked, hugging him from behind whilst he was by the cooker, in the hope to persuade him further

"Sure, are they sexy?" He responded with a knowing smirk. I slapped him round the back of the head and walked in the direction of the pool

"I'm not allowed to touch your friends, so you can't touch mine" I decided, and let Seb know my feelings

"That's different May, you're 17" he smirked "I'm a big boy, my heart won't get broken"

"I'm almost 18 dumb ass. And I'm big enough to make my own decisions" I said in a hump

I stripped down to my bikini and joined Jace and Noah in the pool who were having some sort of race. Knowing I wouldn't beat them in my current state I swam a couple of laps and then decided to find my new friends on social media.

May as well get to know more about them hey!

Next up: What will Maya's friends really be like? Will Noah get feelings for them instead?

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