34. Cookie Thief

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Chapter 34

Cookie Thief

One Day - Kodaline

Cigarette Daydreams - Cage the Elephant



Beakers with salt water, Bunsen burners with girls freaking out about their hair, Sand... because you know... it's needed, Random chemicals that is the main source with whatever we're doing, Filter paper and flask, to filter things, Safety glasses to shield us from invisible substances that could get our eyebrows disintegrated, Elements with random letters mixed to sound smart and my non-brain calculating absolutely nothing because I'm currently sitting in front of a flaming evaporating basin that was supposed to evaporate water in remains of salt.

I suppose I should hose it down with a bucket of water or fire extinguisher... but the flame is too pretty.

Casually gazing at the over burning blazing fire that has now grown around the retort stand.

"Hey Skye, what's u- DUDE ITS ON FIRE!" I turned finding a panicked Sammy bringing the whole classes attention to my, somewhat experiment.

"Skye! What are you- Oh My God, Mr Peters!" I turn to my left finding a melodramatic Arthur.

"If this is your way of burning the school down, next time tell me so I can help make it a little less... not us in the room, chance of survival kinda thing" Jayden casually presents sitting beside me, sharing the view of the flaming experiment.

And then it lead to more screaming, over exaggerative shouts, high screeches and much running.

"The view is pretty" Jayjay mumbled under his breath. I snickered in response agreeing

"Some people are just so theatrical, sometimes I feel like I'm in Grease" I murmured staring blankly at the fast growing fire.

"SKYE AND JAYDEN GET OUT! OH MY GOD, WE'RE GONNA DIE!" Chandler cries out, hands held high running around as if Slender man were behind him. I shook my head nudging Jay, "He still wets the bed huh?"

Jayden chuckled slightly nodding his head. The smell of intoxicating fumes started getting to me, so I stood up and shrugged it off.

"All we have to do is turn off the gas tap" I glanced at Jayden laughing lightly.

"This is why, we're the naughty ones. Because people are too dumb to understand the way out, its too easy to play" Jayden laughed giving me a side bear hug and simply turning off the gas tap, in which the flame immediately disappeared.

"FIRE! WHERE! Where is the Fire!"

Mr Peters rushes in exasperated with the rest of the class sprawled behind him, and Chandler's eyes poking out, Arthur holding an extinguisher and Sammy looking like he had a heart attack.

Cliché? I think not, Dramatic? I believe so.

5 weeks. 3 days. 2nd period. Rumbling Stomach of unfortunate lack of cookies.

And those 5 weeks? Well Jace... had to go immediately to his parents after they've found out of his medical condition, and because they miss him. And so he went to go see his parents since they've been recently residing somewhere in the city side because of business, well more like forced to reside there for 2 months. My best friend I've never been parted from, gone. Ha ha, gone, left 5 weeks ago... 4 days after Dustin disappeared from my doorstep.

Both of them, gone.

The usual familiar tingle of pain inside the left side of my chest began to burn, heart ache.

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