55. Dr Penny Trait

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Chapter 55

Dr Penny Trait

Happier – Ed Sheeran


"And that's the final bag!" Sammy announced, shutting the boot.

It's been officially 2 days after my finding out. We were now off to go back home. There was more to the trip but they insisted I'd go to the doctors, well... to the doctor I have attended the past year about my head.

I believe his name is Dr Penny Trait?

I know. First I heard of it, I laughed my ass off.

I have been constantly asked if I was okay, at least a few dozen times an hour. I never seem to stop insisting that I am... I am, aren't I?

We all shuffled in the van and Ryan's car, swapping around to even the odds. Jace was driving this hour so I sat snuggly a row behind in a corner, covered in a thick blanket and a beanie. Carter scuffled in beside me with Arthur on his left.

"How are you?" Carter whispers, hesitant on what to say.

"I'm amazeberries." I grin, encouraging the false words to seem true.

"Skye... really?" His blue eyes focused on mine. No snarky face of a player, just soft features.

"Hey, why does Santa Claus have such a big sack?" I smile. "Why?" His eyes try to search my face as it only presents dishonest smiles. "He only comes once a year." I snort giving a wink.

Carter shakes his head, "you won't fool me with those jokes. I know you're really hurting, I know it sucks a ton, and I know you deserve better." I squint at him, never having heard him say anything but a sexual comment. However my memories do serve a purpose, and we were once more than 2 peas and an argument.

We paused for a moment, neither one of us uttering a word. I stared down at my hand, at a place that once wore a ring, a ring given to me at 9.

"I... I have something for you." Carter breaks the silence, looking down as he shakily stuffs his hand in his pocket in search for something. I stared, watching as a silver little circular band are held between his index and thumb. A small crystal next to the engraved words, Amazeberries Fruitlicious. 

I swallowed a big lump in my throat, unsteadily lifting my hand up as he slips it right on my ring finger with a slight push as it still constricts from its size. "W-where'd you find it?" I stuttered, not sure how to feel or say. A slight tinge of happiness did course through me.

"I..." Carter rubbed the back of his neck and looked down. "I went searching for it since the day you lost it. I walked throughout the woods non-stop, swam in the river..." His voice hesitant, "I ended up finding it at the bottom of a river next to a cave-in."

"Thank you... so much. You have no idea, how grateful I am." My mouth lifted on its side, presenting a genuine smile. "I'm serious... thank you so much." I wrapped my arms around him tightly, his body stiffed at first then relaxed returning the hug. Pulling back, I stared at the ring then looked up. "But why?"

Carter paused, unsure on how to answer. "Why what?"

"Why did you not stop looking? It's a small item, really it's d-"

"I was determined because although it was small, it meant the world to you. It was a piece of history, a part of you. It's special. It was worth the look, to even see you sincerely smile for a split second. This ring..." He hesitantly grazed his finger on the ring. "is a part of your happiness. You deserve all the happiness in the world Skye. Looking for it is nothing compared to the good you've done in my life." He retrieved his hand back after a long second. "I'd hate to ever see that bright smile go away again."

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