11. Suffocate in Squeezes

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Chapter 11

Suffocate in Squeezes


I casually bop up and down on Jace's back through the school halls as he tightly holds my legs, not really noticing the many eyes pondering over us.

After the car I whined about how much my tummy hurt falling off the bed, and since it was his fault. I made him give me a piggy back...

For the whole day.

24 hours.

It's gonna be a total bitch.

So, it's a good comeback.

I smirked while continuing to bop up and down his back while in search for our class.

"Okay, 1 o'clock is our class!"

"Very well love" Jace continued to walk to our next class which was a few doors down until my eyes locked on Mr. Goddess walking down the hall, head down, earphones in, and gloomy.

His caramel wavy hair covered his eyes, a dark navy tee with a black hoodie on his head, and quiet. I couldn't help but stare; he was getting popular, big, and well-known. I mean heaps of kids would kill for his position. Then why does he look so glum? Grr, why do I care anyways...?

I stared him down walking into an art class then lost view as Jace walked into our one class. Art isn't on today? Why would he be there?

I fiddled with my coloured pens, stacking like Jenga then tearing it down. I couldn't stop my curiosity flood through my mind. I couldn't stop wondering why he was so down. I just couldn't stop my overthinking mind.

I couldn't even joke around with Jace with the countless pokes in the ribs by his pen. I just couldn't adjust, learn or muck around so I raised my hand.

"Yes Miss Einstein?"

"Got to go flabba dash!" All my teachers are used to my specific word 'flabba dash' which means well... I need to pee or shit. Just a nicer way of saying it I guess.

"Very well"

I sped out of the room and walked straight to the art area. I don't know why but I felt my hands begin to shake, my heart rate sped up, sweat formed in my palms, and my breath slowed down. I don't know what was wrong with me? I mean I was mad at him due to the fact he let popularity take over. Not that he made out with friggen Virginia... I don't care about that... I mean he can suck faces with whoever he wants. Head up Skye, you donut care. Mm donuts

I slowly turn the door knob and quietly step in. Quiet. Empty. No people. But fresh paint and a canvas. I walked around curious of what was the painting, as I walked closer I made up the image of a girl, largely sketched with her head risen up, eyes closed. And in the midst of the background was a wolf, doing just the same replicating her, as if it were both the same person.

And since I have vast knowledge on the werewolf category, after all I watch Vampire Diaries. I analysed it as a girl whom needed to break through, she accepts and goes through a struggling journey, and with that little head lift; it was shown she was taking in life as it stood as her human and wolf form.

I smiled to myself as I sat on the stool in front of it.

"Skye?" I heard a faint voice say my name, I quickly turn finding Dustin with small pencil case of different pencil shades and width.

"Hmm... hey" He smiled weakly putting the case down.

"What are you doing here?"

I chewed my bottom lip contemplating on what to say, choose something wise, something smart. But don't give away you care and are worried about him.

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