25. The Smart, Strong, Horny, Naughty, Dirty-Minded and the Sexy

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Chapter 25

The Smart, Strong, Horny, Naughty, Dirty-Minded and the Sexy


There was once a time I saw a girl, a girl that was freakishly tall. Her fingers was snakes, and her eyes were black with dull. Her name was Natasha Lunar, her arms were scratched and scorched. Red burned marks completed her whereas her face looked like a horse. She walked up the school halls to me, and gave a devilish smirk. She raised her long slithery hands and backhanded me, that felt like giving birth. My cheek throbbed in mounts of pain as she walked back to the door. Her slender woman figured creeped the sh!t out of me, then she turned and gave a snort. I shuddered at her oddness, is she a vampire? psycho lesbian? I'm not sure. That was it of Natasha Lunar, I'll never forget that moment of her freaky as fuck corpse.


I smirked in satisfaction of my amazing masterpiece. It was clearly the sheet. I flicked it at its corner nodding in approval at the newest and best writer out. It was clear that it was going to be a New York's Bestseller. It was just so obvious.

"Already done Einstein?" Jace pokes my rib, leaning over to check out my work.

"Yeap. It's Amazeberries and Purr-fecto!" Jace laughed grabbing my sheet and reading through it. Every now and then I heard a small laugh which made me really think I'd ace this short story.

"Oh Skye... it's funny, weird as fuck, and it rhymes. This is pretty much the written piece version of you"

"I take that as in, I'm perfect and will beat everyone else's short story!" I grab the sheet back smiling.

"No, it means. It's wrong and swear words is a no no in English books"


"No Butts Einstein, maybe later but right now I need to hand this in" I gave a small glare at his ass fetish and quickly took his sheet.

"Pssh. Let me read yours first! See if it's any better Mr Bad Boy I'm so cool but a secret genius!" Jace just rolled his eyes leaning his arm on the desk.

I began reading through his 2 page short story. It was about a girl with the skill of art, her father died young and since then her talent faded away with him. He was an artist too, so growing up with her dad was what inspired her to keep on going. Eventually it was her 16th and she promised him that she would make a grand canvas, something that could measure up their last art that was flawless before he passed. With that she hunted for the perfect view to paint. Her flawless depiction.

The short story made my dirty mind come to rest and tear up. Since when was Jace so skillful at stories? Thought the best stories he could up with was porn. Guess I'm wrong.

"Not bad Neviar... mine rhymes though so pfft" I snort flicking imaginery dirt off my shoulder like a boss.

"Alright whatever you say, now if you excuse me. I want good marks" Jace poked out his tongue walking to our english teacher as I stared down my so-called short story. I thought it was good? Well I guess I'm very good at doing the opposite.

Tell me to go away, and instead I'll pounce.

I sighed shrugging at my work, after all it's me and the best I can do. I stood up walking to Miss Something, never knew her name and handed my half page sheet. Her face already turned pretty sterned then took the sheet to read through it.

I walked back slumping in my chair and running my fingers through my waves.


And just like that, the many interminable thoughts about this painter ran through my mind. Like his amazeberries face and caramel wavy hair, his defined body structure, our date...

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