12. Le Butt Clutcher

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Chapter 12

Le Butt Clutcher


"I am done living life! I am dropping out and becoming a fu- flubba doodle hooker!" I groan frustrated falling back on the couch.

"God dammit Skye, what's wrong with you? You really think I'm gonna allow you to be even finger touched by old hairy goblins?" Jace shouts back waving his arms in the air exasperated.


Jace sighs running his fingers through his short brown spiked hair as he looked back down at me.

"You can do this Skye, I'll tutor you?"

I laughed a bitter evil laugh as I shook my head. Gosh Jace, you're not exactly Einstein. Ha... see what I did there? I'm smooth.

"You're funny, you should become a comedian after you become my personal Krispe Kreme dealer" I say as I kick up my feet off and on the couch. This is very intriguing.

I glance up smiling as I see Jace suddenly hold a box of Krispe Kreme donuts. Ugh... Life is amazeberries, donuts are amazeberries, Jace you are amazeberries. I mentally drool staring at the oh so delicious heavenly food.

"See this is why you are gonna make a living out of this!" I mumble as I crawl over kneeling on the edge handle of the comfy leather lounge to take a glaze. Jace smacked my hand away taking the donut and shoving it in his mouth.




"GOD DAMMIT YOU PEACE OF SHET, YOU BAFOON OF NUGGETS!" I shout trying to snatch it out of his mouth thinking it was still edible. He just cheekily grinned enjoying the only delicious glaze in his mouth.

I think I'm about to cry.

I cannot continue to live this life with betrayal...

I must call batman to save me.

I just kneeled there shocked and speechless of the traitor, my #1 enemy of this moment.

Jace chuckled swallowing the rest of the donut dusting off his invisible messy hands off. He rubbed his tummy giving a smug smile.

"Mmm, that was really good"


"Nah, you love me baby girl"

"Only a cm big" I frown putting out my bottom lip and crossing my arms sad.

He spread out his arms big smirking. "Nah, bigger than the billions of galaxies!"

"Ha, galaxies my ass!"

"What's with you reminding me to give you a spanking huh? Come Here COOKIE FREAK!"

I was too slow to comprehend what he just said, too forking to slow to even move back. And with that Jace put down the donut box and grabbed my two ass cheeks squeezing it tight.

"OH MY GAWD JACE NEVIAR! YOU ASS INTRUDER!" I gasped trying to get out of his strong grip.

"Sorry baby girl, but you do owe me rounds" He gave a sly smirk surprisingly picking me up by my non-existent bum. I groan by the pressure of his grip, this guy has very manly hands. He held me up with my legs wrapped around his waist and arms enfolded on his neck. At this moment I was way too in the moment of cbf so I just let him carry me up to my room.

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