Home Sweet Home

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Ok, so this is my first Arrow Fanfiction. I've been writing this for a while, and finally have the courage to share with the world. It is an Oliver/OC story just to be warned, but it will also have an interesting plot, or at least I hope you think it's interesting.

Let me know what you think!


There's nothing like the smell of fresh, uncontaminated air to make you feel at home. That was the single thought Katie had when she stepped off of the plane. That's also why when Katie finally stepped off the plane, and on to the ground she sucked in a sharp breath, a smile gracing her lips.

"Home sweet home." she sighed before walking toward the airport. Once inside she followed the other passengers toward the luggage carrousel and waited for the bright blue and yellow polka dot suit case to hover around to her. After a few minutes her patience was starting to run thin. The crowd around the carrousel began thinning out, until no one was left but her. She looked down to the empty carrousel and began remembering that home really wasn't all that swell. She let out another deep breath before walking to a long line that stemmed from the baggage claim.

"Oh, this is perfect." she muttered as she floated to the back of the line. She begrudgingly took step after step, until she finally reached the window.

"Welcome to Starling City Airport, how can I help you?" the cheery blonde on the other side of the glass asked with a bright smile. With Katie's good mood now gone, the woman on the other side of this glass was just plain annoying.

"I'm here, but my suit case isn't. You see where the problem lies?" Katie said the woman simply nodded before reaching down and picking up a sheet of paper before slipping it to Katie.

"Alright, all you have to do is fill out this form and if we find your luggage we will contact you."

"If you find my luggage?" Katie asked, not missing that big if. "What does that mean?"

"Well when checking your bag, all passengers sign waiver that states that in the event that there luggage is damaged, and or missing, the airline isn't responsible." the woman said that smile never moving from her lips. It made Katie wish there wasn't plexiglass separating them. "Is there anything else I can help you with?" Katie simply glared at the woman before snatching the form and stalking off.

"Home, sweet fucking home." she muttered walking over to sit. After filling out the form, she couldn't get out of that airport fast enough.

Her hand shot up in the air and soon a bright yellow taxi was pulling up in front of her. The driver stepped out of the car, but Katie quickly stopped him.

"Whoa, wait. You can get back inside bud." she said walking over to get into the backseat. The driver took his place back up front before looking over his shoulder to her. "Damn airport lost my suitcase."

"That's too bad" he said. "So where you headed?"

"Starling Rehab Center." she said and the man nodded before turning and pulling off. Katie took another deep breath before letting her head fall to rest on the cool window. She was definitely tired from the never ending plane ride. She thought it would be a while before she arrived at the center, and so she let her eyes close and listened to the muttering of the radio.

"In other news, we've gotten more details on the latest Hood encounter. Starling City's vigilante is believed to be the one behind the remarkable capture of the infamous drug dealer who calls himself the Count. The Count had been making headlines with his manufactured drug Vertigo that has been infecting our city for months. Though the police have denied any connection to the vigilante, witnesses do place him at the scene when police arrived.

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