A Divided Home

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"The prospect of going home is very appealing."

-David Ginola

They had a plan. It wasn't a great plan, but at the moment it would just have to do. It took a couple of days to get everything together, and in those days Oliver didn't go see Katie. His usual updates on her status were given by Felicity who must've known something happened because she'd routinely checked in with Katie to see how she was doing.

It was the day before they were to go through with hacking Malcolm's computer, John had left to make sure his new job as a security guard was all straight, and Bruce had went back to his hotel. Felicity was packing up preparing to leave when she turned to Oliver who seemed to be staring off.

"So can I ask now what happened?" Felicity asked and Oliver turned to her with a look of confusion. "With Twinkie, I figure something must've happen because the two of you have been avoiding each other like the plague." Oliver turned away and Felicity knew whatever it was, it must be big. "She seems sad." that brought his attention back to her. "She'd probably kill me for saying this, but she does. I mean she laughs and she smiles at the right moments, but when she thinks I'm not paying attention her eyes are different. Just like yours."

"It's nothing, just-" Oliver didn't even know how to explain what was happening with him and Katie. Mainly because he was trying to understand it himself. "It was getting confusing between us and I think it's best if we just take some time."

"Confusing?" Felicity asked sitting down her bag with a shake of her head. Countless times, John told her to just stay out of it, but these two were just so frustrating. "Why don't I believe that?" she walked over to Oliver. "Why do I think that things were getting so clear that it all became a little too much? You know I don't think I've seen you afraid of something so much that you wouldn't even try." Oliver once again turned and stepped away slightly. "I don't know if you've admitted this to yourself, but as your friend I feel I am obligated to tell you that you are completely, head over heels, stupid in love with Katherine Robins." Oliver spun around to see the smile on the woman's face. That was the first time he heard those words out loud. Now it seemed that it was out and in the air it was official that he couldn't hide from it anymore. "And I think you knew that already. Why haven't you told her?"

"It's-" Oliver shook his head with a sigh. "It's more difficult then that."

"Really? It's just three words. Oh, my mom taught me this trick, just say olive juice really fast and-"

"Felicity," Oliver hissed and Felicity stared at him in confusion. "It's not that simple. There are things to take into consideration."

"What things, you love her, she clearly loves you. What else is there?"

"There's the fact that I wear a hood and shoot bad guys at night and and then there's the fact that she's still hiding what happened to her from me. Where we are now is fine. It's simple and it works."

"You call this working?" Felicity asked and Oliver turned away from her. She had a way of revealing the things he tried to ignore which he didn't like all the time. "Oliver you're my friend and I care about what happens to you and I see the look in your eyes when you look at her. Whether you want it to or not, those feelings aren't just going to disappear. And pretending they're not there is impossible."

"I have to." Oliver said the conviction in his voice not as strong as he believed.


"Because I can't have both. I can't be who I need to be to protect this city and be with her at the same time. It just won't work."

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