The Blinded Heart

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"There is no instinct like that of the heart."

-Lord Byron

"We have a problem."

Those were definitely not words Bruce wanted to hear the moment they stepped inside of an illegal underground casino. He looked over to Katie, her eyes never leaving the woman who was standing beside the black jack table.

"That woman,the blonde, I know her?"


"She's friends with Oliver." Katie said finally turning to the man. "I need to go talk to her."

"Fine, I'll look around." Bruce replied before they split off.

Katie grabbed a glass of champagne from a passing waiter and took a sip. She wish she could drink more, but this night could definitely do without drunk Twinkie. She sifted through the crowd until she was standing right beside the woman at the table. She leaned her back against the table, her eyes scanning the crowd.

"What are you doing here Smoak?"

"That's funny, there's a very angry archer in my ear telling me to ask you that question." Felicity replied as she glanced down to the cards in front of her. "He wants you to leave." Katie turned to the woman with a smile before leaning forward to press a kiss to her cheek.

"We don't always get what we want Liver." she made sure those words were spoken as clear as possible into the earpiece that was in the woman's ear.

"Blackjack!" the dealer called and Felicity's smiled widely down at the cards before looking to Katie's whose eyes were on something else. Felicity followed her gaze to see a man walking over to them. His eyes were on Felicity, and he was not happy.

"Miss, can you come with me?"

"Is something wrong?" Felicity asked and the man seemed to lean in a bit.

"Get. Up." the man asked his voice taking on a serious tone that left no room for opposition.

"That's not nice." Katie said sitting her glass down on the table and moving to stand between Felicity and the man. "Didn't your mother ever teach you how to speak to lady?" Katie looked over his shoulder to see two more guards appear to back him up. "Tough guy needs his friends against a couple of girls?" the man grabbed Katie arm hard, while one of the other guards grabbed Felicity and pushed them off the casino floor. It wasn't until they were in some sort of hallway did they let them go, but kept them surrounded. Felicity walked along side Katie, her eyes seeing a very strange look in the woman's eyes. It was familiar. It was a look of someone planning something. Katie took a quick step forward, but Felicity quickly looped her arm with hers to stop her. Katie turned to Felicity in confusion.

"It's fine." Felicity whispered and just then Katie realized that this was apart of the plan all along. "Oh there's the bathroom." Felicity spoke and Katie followed her eyes. " I should've known the manager's office would be down the hall and to the right of the bathroom."

They were slightly pushed into an office, a man sitting behind a desk looked up to them.

"Mr. Alonzo." one of the men greeted before pushing them further into the office.

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