A Window To The Heart

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"Her heart was a secret garden and the walls were very high"

-William Goldman

Oliver  Queen had never been more relieved in his entire life. He'd been  tortured by having to listen to his father and Mr. Robins talking about  business for most of dinner. He'd been ready to stick his fork right in  his hand, until his mother called his name.

"Oliver,  it's been a while, I think Katherine may have gotten lost looking for  the bathroom. Would you go check on her?" Oliver nodded, practically  jumping from his seat and running out of the dining room. As he walked  down the halls of their house, he really should've been searching for  the girl, but he figure she probably didn't even want to be found. She  looked just as bored as he did with their dinner conversation, and  seemed pleased that she had to use the bathroom. It wasn't until Oliver  reached the second level of the house did he hear the sound of laughter  in the halls. He stopped for a moment, and looked around for it's source  when he heard it again. It came from further down the hall, and so he  walked trying to figure out where it came from. The third time he heard  the laugh, he stopped because it came right from the room beside him.  When he turned, he realized that it was his room. Oliver pushed open the  door to see the girl sitting on his bed, watching TV. She let out  another laugh at something she saw, and he couldn't help the curiosity  that crept up inside of his as he walked closer. His foot knocked one of  his toys and the girl jumped from the bed and turned to him with wide  eyes.

"I'm sorry, please don't tell my parents!" she  said quickly. "It's just if I didn't leave that stupid dinner I was  going to poke my eye out and I really wanted-" her eyes turned back to  the screen, a smile coming to her face.

"What are you watching?" Oliver asked walking beside her to see the television as well.

"The  Three Stooges." Katie replied. "I really wanted to see this marathon,  but my dad said we had to come to this stupid dinner." she began patting  his arm enthusiastically. "Watch this." Oliver watched as one of the  funny haired men hit one of the other guys with a hammer, and then  another slapped the back of his head causing a weird noise to come out  of the guys mouth. Katie laughed, and so did Oliver because it really  was funny.

"My mom sent me to look for you." Oliver said.

"Oh." Katie said glumly with a nod.

"But-"  Oliver started before turning to the television. "Maybe I didn't. Maybe  you're still lost and I'm searching for you." Katie looked to him  confused and he simply smiled. "At least until this episode is over." he  hopped on his bed and Katie stood unsure if she should follow. "So what  are their names?" Katie smiled before jumping on the bed beside him.

"Well  that one on the end there is Larry, he's my favorite." Katie said with a  wild smile. "Oh, and the one next to him is Curly. and the last one is  Moe."

"And what-"

"Shss, you have to  watch it or you miss the funny parts." Katie said and Oliver simply  shrugged before turning back to the television.

Oliver was  leaning against the wall when that memory came to him. It caused a smile  to come to his face which distracted him from his impatience for the  moment. The sound of his phone rang, snapped him from his thoughts and  so he rummaged into his pocket before pulling it out. He glanced down  the empty hall, and shook his head before finally deciding to go see  what taking so long. He glanced down to his phone before bringing it to  his ear.

"Hey Digg, what's up?"

"Oliver where's Katie?" Diggle replied out of breath.

"She's in the conference room with Wayne, why?" Oliver asked, his pace already quickening down the hall.

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