Closer to Home

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"The more one does and sees and feels, the more one is able to do,

and the more genuine may be one's appreciation of fundamental things like home,

and love, and understanding companionship."

-Amelia Earhart

Today was the day Oliver was waiting for. He was pretty sure Katie was more anxious than him, but probably not by much. Two weeks she'd been forced to lie in a hospital bed until the doctors felt comfortable with releasing her. She absolutely hated it, he wasn't too thrilled about it, but he liked knowing where she was, so that's a plus.

Oliver rode the elevator with a smile on his face. He doesn't know how he could even find a smile with his life. Diggle left. He felt that Oliver didn't have his back when he needed him and maybe he was right. Diggle's contact, an old flame named Lyla had insight from the people she worked with. A government agency that Oliver wished he wasn't familiar with, ARGUS. ARGUS knew where Deadshot was going to be, and Diggle really wanted Oliver's help on this one. Oliver's head was in a million different places at once with Katie, and Laurel and this whole Bruce Wayne being Batman thing. Finding Deadshot wasn't a priority, maybe it should've been, but it was too late to do anything about it now. He just hoped with time Diggle can learn to forgive him, just like he hopes will happen with Tommy.

When the elevator doors opened, Oliver couldn't help but quicken his step as he carried the duffel bag of her clothes from his shoulder. His eyes looked down to the rabbit in his hand and he shook his head. He'd stopped by the gift shop before coming up, when he spotted the stuffed animal and couldn't help but think she'd like it. The smile fell from Oliver's lips the moment he reached Katie's door and saw her lying in bed laughing. It was the fact that the source of her laughter was Bruce Wayne which made him uneasy.

"Hey!" Katie said with a bright smile. "I was was actually worried this time you weren't going to show up and I was going to see our good friend Ms. Smoak today."

"Yeah, well this is a big day and I wanted to be here." Oliver said coming into the room and sitting her things down at the end of the bed. He glanced over to Bruce with a very slight smile. "Mr. Wayne."

"You know I think we've known each other long enough. Call me Bruce." the man said standing to his feet. "I was just telling Robins of our impending venture." Oliver's eyes darkened for a second before he turned away. Since that night Bruce revealed himself as the Batman, the two men had barely even spoken about it. They only seen each other in passing when they would come to visit Katie.

"Yeah, he says he's thinking about some joint ventures between WE and QC." Katie replied noticed the look on Oliver's face. "You alright?"

"Yeah." Oliver replied with a smile. "So when do you leave?"

"Are those my clothes?" she asked pointing the bag and Oliver simply nodded. "Well then now." she pulled the covers from over her, and Oliver grabbed her arm to help her to stand. "I can stand on my own."

"I'm sure you can, but this is to help me feel useful" Oliver replied as Katie stood to her feet. She sent him a smile that took the breath right out of his lungs, before she walked around him grabbing her bag and heading inside the bathroom.

"Cute rabbit." Bruce said noticing the rabbit on the bed. Oliver grabbed the stuffed animal, knowing the man was trying to be funny. "So we should talk. Where's your base of operations?"

"Hey, I haven't agreed to anything yet." Oliver said glancing over to the bathroom door, before turning back to the man. "I still don't know what your deal is"

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