A Tale of Two Heroes

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"Nothing is given to man on earth - struggle is built into the nature of life, and conflict is possible -
the hero is the man who lets no obstacle prevent
him from pursuing the values he has chosen."

-Andrew Bernstein

There are just some things you know are a bad idea before you even do them. Oliver was standing on the combat mat, watching Katie stretch with the thought that what they were about to do was not going to end well. Well that was one thought, the other was why the hell did she have to wear such tight yoga pants. That thought he chose to ignore though...or at least he tried.

"You sure you want to do this?" Oliver turned to Diggle who'd looked unsure as well when the idea was brought up. "I just think this could escalate very quickly if you're not careful."

"I'm fully aware, which is why I'm going to be the clear headed one here" Oliver said stretching his arms as well. "Plus I have to admit I am kind of curious." he looked over to Diggle who simply shook his head. "You are too."

"I am, but I can live without an answer to this question." Diggle replied before turning and walking off.

"Ok, I'm back!" Felicity called as she rushed down the stairs with a large bowl of popcorn. She plopped down in her seat that she had strategically placed to give her the optimal view. "Let's do this!"

"You're a little too enthusiastic, don't you think?" Diggle asked from his spot beside her.

"When do we get to have fun like this?" she asked as she looked over to Katie who was pulling her hair up into a high pony tail. "Plus this is one of those times where you don't know how it's going to end."

"You think she could beat him?"

"I think it is very possible." Felicity replied before popping a kernel into her mouth as she turned back to the pair.

"You sure you want to do this?" Oliver asked and Katie looked over to him with a roll of her eyes. He'd asked her the same question every couple of minutes since they changed out of their street clothes. When she proposed a friendly spar, she didn't even think that he would consider it, but she could be very persuasive when she wanted to so after a enough nagging she finally got him to agree.

"Oliver Queen, you're acting like we're about to jump off a bridge. It's sparring, and you agreed to do this to get my mind off the fact that after three days Detective Lance still hasn't returned my things."

"Yeah, should we be worried about that?" Diggle asked and she turned to him with a shake of her head.

"No, nothing he found in my house connects me to any of his cases and he knows it. He's getting desperate." she shook her head with a slight look of guilt passing over her face. "But Oliver is right. He'll look and find nothing and then hopefully he'll move on."

"So any information about who our bathroom assailants are?" Diggle asked ignoring the glare Oliver was sending him. If Oliver was fine with the slow and steady pace his Twinkie doing with the secrets, that was fine, but if they were going to help her, then they needed to know the facts.


"Should I not be asking these questions, Oliver?" Diggle asks his eyes still on Katie who turns away from him. "We can't help her if she won't let us." Katie turned back to the man whose awaited for her answer.

"He's right" Katie said turning to Oliver who too seemed to be awaiting her answer. "I told you that I would let you in. And I can do that, I just-" she shook her head opening her mouth just as a cell phone suddenly started ringing. Everyone looked around for it's source, but it was Katie who pulled it from her nearby bag. "It's me."

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