A Frustrated Hero

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It is not strange to be nervous while being stared down by a hooded vigilante who just happens to be standing in your living room. It's actually makes sense that you stand frozen when all the lights shut off leaving the two of you in darkness, with only the moonlight filtering in to illuminate the room, slightly.

"I need you to tell me why I found this in the apartment of a hit man." the hood said as he pulled a folded piece of paper from his pocket and held it out to her. She didn't move, not even slightly. She just kept her eyes on him. He sighed before unfolding the picture and showing her that it was a photo of pictures pasted to a wall and they all seemed to be of her. "You're someone's target. Why!" the way he said it was very intimidating, and yet she didn't move an inch. "Speak!"

"Pants-" she blurted out and that sort of threw him for a loop. "I'm not having a conversation with someone wearing leather, without pants." he dropped his head to see that she was in fact only wearing an over sized t shirt, without any pants. Without waiting for him to agree or disagree to the request, she turned and walked over to the stairs, running up them.

"That's a first." Diggle's voice says from Oliver's earpiece.

"Stop talking please." Oliver said the annoyance clear in his voice. He only stood there for five minutes when he realized she wasn't coming back down. "Digg?"




Oliver growled in annoyance before storming up the stairs. He burst through her door to find her fully dressed and halfway out her window. The moment he came in, her eyes turned to him and they just stared at each other.

"You can't say you didn't see this coming." she said, wishing she could see under his hood. She was a funny person and liked to be appreciated for that.

"Out of the window, now!" he ordered before stalking over to her and she did what he didn't expect. She threw herself out the window. A very thorny bush broke her fall, but it didn't stop the pain. She lied on her back for a moment hoping the pain would subside soon, but it didn't. Suddenly she heard footsteps and picked herself up off the ground. She turned and came face to face with a man in a ski mask.

"He has a side kick?" she asks genuinely surprised. She had more questions but before she could ask them she heard movement behind her. The moment she turned around came face to face with the hood once again. "Son of a bitch." she turned about to run, but the hooded figure grabbed her arm. She pulled as far as she could before tossing her arm at him, but he blocked it. "Let me go!" those were the last words she said before she felt something prick her neck, and then only darkness followed. Oliver grabbed her and hiked her up into his arms before she could fall to the ground.

"I should've known this wouldn't be easy." he muttered looking over to Diggle.

"Really, kidnapping one's friend is usually a walk in the park." Diggle said not missing the roll of Oliver's eyes as he adjusted the woman in his arms.

"I'll take her, search the house for anything that might help." Diggle simply nodded before running into the house. Oliver then looked down to his unconscious friend and shook his head.

To the untrained ear, the popping and cracking from outside sounded like lightening, or firecrackers, but Katie was a year into her Doctor's Without Borders tour and she knew the sounds she was hearing. She knew what was happening outside, but she couldn't let herself think about it. There was a ten year old boy bleeding out and no matter what she did, she couldn't stop it.

"I need more gauze!" she yelled looking up to the nurses who probably didn't understand a lick of English. "Um, Treba mi-" she couldn't think of the words and it was frustrating as hell. "Gauze!" she gestured with her hands to the boys wounds and then one of the nurses hurried off. Katie hoped that was a good sign. She looked down to the boy whose eyes were barely open. "Stay with me, ok. We're getting through this." she kept her hands pressed firmly on his abdomen her eyes closed. She was at a loss for what to do. The door to the small hospital burst open and soon she heard the deep accented voice gruffly making orders in a language she didn't understand. She didn't move. She knew the moment her hands lifted from the boys wound then he was dead. There were more incomprehensible orders that she chose not to even try to follow. Soon a hand full of her hair was grabbed pulling her back hard. Her hands were forced to leave the boy and as she was pulled back. She tried keeping her eyes on him until his barely opened eyes just shut. An anger filled her. And without thinking she threw her elbow in the gut of the man holding her. It was a bad move, because as soon as she did a fist came right to her face knocking her out.

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