Searching for Home

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"You never know what events are going to transpire to get you home."
Og Mandino

Katie wanted to die. She wanted her life to end, and simply be no more. It was a bold statement, she was very aware, but she really didn't think she could handle this anymore. The being kept prisoner and not know why. Katie was lost. She'd been kidnapped by one set of kidnappers and now it seemed there was some contract that would move her to some others.

When she walked through the doors of her new hell, she truly and honestly had no idea what her future held. At this point she didn't even know if she'd see tomorrow. There was this man who she figured was really in charge, but she wouldn't see him. Not yet anyways. According to the woman whose name still is not given to her...actually no one told her their names. She was surrounded by nameless people whose intentions weren't clear. She was placed in a room. A bit of an upgrade from her cell in hell number one. She had a bed, not terribly comfortable, but it wasn't horrible and she had a window. That was the one thing she loved. Even though Katie couldn't step one foot outside these walls, she loved being able to look out to world. With that window, she knew there was still a world out there and there was always a chance that she would see it. Even though the room was different, it shared a single flaw with its predecessor. It was a prison. She never left these walls since she'd been pushed inside. Her days were spent waiting for something to happen.

One day, like many other days, Katie sat at the window sill and looked out at the beautiful scenery of the unknown place she was forced to dwell. There was a knock at her door that startled her. There were only three knocks on her door that happened at the same time each day. Those were for meals, and since she'd eaten her lunch just moments earlier, she knew something was happening. Katie stood to her feet, but didn't move toward the door. She'd spent weeks waiting for some sort of interactions between her and her captors. It's how she would learn their motive, or maybe what they wanted out of all of this. She assumed a long time ago this wasn't about money. It was something else. Another knock, and her fists clenched at her side. She waited for this moment, but now that she was in it, it made her nervous. Up until this point, predictability was her solace. She woke up, she ate, she slept and then she would do it again. Katie wasn't naive to believe that this would be her life. She knew at some point something more was going to happen. The moment was now.

There weren't anymore knocks. The sound of a key entering her door, and the click of it unlocking caused her to stop breathing. In the next few moments, to this day she doesn't quite understand. The door pushed open and there stood someone she didn't expect to see.

"Ms. Robins?"

Katie's fists unclenched and a breath, a deep breath of relief escaped her lungs at the sight of the man in front of her.

"Mr. Ellis." Katie's voice cracked with emotion as she stood looking upon the face of someone she didn't expect to be so happy to see. "You have no idea how happy I am to see you." she took a step toward him and his hand quickly grabbed a gun that was tucked in waist band and aimed it at Katie. Her eyes widened as she looked between the man and his gun, all hope she'd just conjured up melting away just as fast as it came.

"I'm sorry." Martin Ellis said, his voice dripping with nervousness. Even his hands slightly shook, which is not a positive trait in a person who holding a gun. "I'm not here to take you home."

"Did you do this?!" Katie asked angrily. "Is this some extortion bullshit to get money from my father you son of a bitch!" Katie took a step forward, and the grip the man had on the gun tightened. "I could take that from you, you know." her voice had changed it tone, which made the man holding the gun that much more nervous. "All this time, I've been doing nothing but learning how to get out of situations just like this one." her eyes went to his gun. "You could be dead before your finger even slides to that trigger."

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