Chapter 4

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A knock on the door froze her just as she was about writing out a really long equation. The knock came again, quietly before the door sidled open, revealing her uncle.

She smiled at the sight of him.

"Good afternoon, Uncle Mike."

He gave her a cheeky grin. "Hi Victoria. How are you?"

She shrugged and plastered on another fake smile. "I'm fine, thank you. How was work today?"

"The usual stuff."

She turned back to her book. Her pen scratching away at the page as she wrote down the equation and proceeded to solve it.

Uncle Mike moved to sit on her bed. "Now Smally, tell me, how are you?"

She turned her head to face him, "You already asked. I replied you, I'm fine."

"Well, I asked again because I know you're lying."

What? How's he supposed to know that?!

"Whatever gave you that idea?" She gave him an innocent look.

"The fact that the creases between your eyebrows is very obvious, of course."

"That could be from solving maths questions." She pointed out.

Yes! Good point! Now he has nothing on you.

She gave herself a mental pat on the head.

"Nope," He said popping the 'p'.


Lying down flat on the bed, he continued. "You bite your pen whenever you're stuck on a question but push your eyebrows together whenever you're thinking."

How the-! How does he knows this?!

She shrugged. "Well...It was a really tough question."

He raised an eyebrow as though challenging her. "You really want to argue that?"


He smirked. "You're aware of the fact that I know you, right? I know you very well."

Was she really challenging him? This was the man who had known her since childhood. Challenging him would mean winning a ticket to lose. And who was he anyway to try and get information out of her!

The images of her previous encounter flashed in her mind and her heart clenched. He should leave her alone! She wasn't going to talk about this! Butttt he was persistent. He'll get it from her in the end, one way or another.

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