Chapter 10

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After class, Alice came over to her seat and smiled widely at her, a little too forcedly. She stared down at Victoria's script, the bright red figures haunting her and her smile fell by a millimetre. She turned back up at her and the smile was raised again.

"A 99. Congrats Victoria."

"Thank you." She said, picking up her bag.

The began to walk out, following the flood of students exiting the class and to the freedom of the weekend.

"You didn't come to the cafeteria today. Are you avoiding me because of my offer to sit with my friends."

She turned to face her briefly before turning back to face the flood of students. "I'm not avoiding you, Alice. I just had something to take care of at the library today."

"Oh okay." She smiled. "I think I sight my mom, I'll see you on Monday. Bye!" She said, already running down the stairs and melting into the barrier that was the students.

Her ride was just some meters away when someone grabbed her hand. Her first instinct was to scream but that was already annulled because another arm came flying, securely shutting her up. She began thrashing around. People were passing, why weren't they helping?

"Easy there, tiger." A familiar voice stated as another arm tried to stop her from squirming.

She relaxed a bit. "Why would you try to kidnap me in broad daylight?" She yelled behind the hand.

"Calm down. We're sorry." The voice chuckled. When they were sure she wasn't going to be running away, they let go of her and she was able to turn to face them.

Two bright faces grinned back at her.

She face palmed. "I hate you guys."

"Oh please." Shawn rolled his eyes.

"Cocky much?" She folded her arms. "What do you want from me anyway?"

"Tj wanted to talk to you." Shawn pushed him up front. "And I" he gestured towards himself. "Was wondering what you were doing this weekend."

Her gaze fell on  Tj. She was wrong for talking go him like that earlier, he was just pestering her too much and she snapped. She turned back to Shawn.

"Nothing. Why?"

"We were wondering if you'd like to come with us to the movies on Saturday." Shawn smiled.

Movies? With them?

What? She refused to believe that for once in her life she was willingly asked to hang out with people her age.

Hang out! And not just hang out. With them!

Somebody pinch me!

Finally realizing that she'd been staring at them open mouthed for almost a minute, she tried to redeem herself by giving a shrug. A sick excuse of a shrug, might I add.

"Yeah. The movies. I'll have to check with my uncle first but okay. Thanks for the invite."

They smiled. "Great. We'll discuss the plans when you confirm. We have your number. See ya."

And he left. Tj stood there, staring at her apologetically.

She sighed. "I'm sorry, Tj."

He was quick to respond. "No no, I'm sorry. I'm the sorry one here."

"No seriously, you didn't deserve the lash out. I was just so annoyed that I snapped at you. Please forgive me."

"I should be asking you that."

"I'm not holding any grudges on you,  Tj."

He sighed, relieved. "Thank you. I'm guessing first impression really matters to you though?"

"It does. But you're lucky I forgive easily."

He smiled then pointed ahead. "I think your ride is getting tired of waiting."

She smiled. "Yeah, he's not so patient."

"See ya! I'll text you."

She was about to ask how they got her number but he was already running towards his car.

"Took you time, eh?" Mr. Anderson said immediately she got in.

"Sorry, I had to deal with them."

"Yeah." He gave a fatherly smile. "I'm glad you're making friends though."


Were they her friends?

They did invite her to hang out, so...

"Well, yeah."

He swerved the car into a free lane and faced her briefly, flashing her a toothy grin.

"No need to be so modest about it. You can rant on and on about your friends to me yunno."

Mr. Anderson had pretty much known her all her life, he'd always been her assigned driver right from when she turned 5.

"Yeah yeah." She rolled her eyes, smiling.

The car ride was quiet, a comfortable kind of quiet until the gates of the house opened up and she stepped in.

The door to the house creaked open and she was quickly enveloped in the silence. Silence wasn't good. Now she was left with her thoughts. At school, she was occupied but now, it was just her.

She peered into the kitchen. No sign of Aunt Tamar. She checked the room she slept in, still no sign.


She dragged herself up the stairs, her muscles straining and her bones weak. The book bag on her back felt like a thousand pounds making her feet feel like lead.

Finally reaching the last step, she dragged herself on to her room. The bright neon sign that held the letter 'V' on her door grinned brightly at her. She pushed the door open. Everything was just like she left it.

Clothes were scattered all around the floor. Her desk table overflowing with books that were placed precariously atop it. Her shoe rack was practically about to tip over. She sighed and threw her bag onto the floor.

Might as well clean up. Hopefully it'll take her mind off of things.

She slid out of her uniform and quickly put on a black top and a pair of shorts, tying her hair up, she held it with a pink ribbon.

She frowned at the mess before her.

It'll take hours.

She set her phone to her favourite playlist and immediately, Breakup weather by Niall Horan started playing in the room.

Let's get this over with.

A/N: Hello!

Short chap. I'm sorry ^^

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