Chapter 5

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Chemistry class can be really boring.

Especially when you've read the particular topic being taught about three times. Victoria tapped her pen on the desk, lightly drumming a rhythm.

The sky was cloudy today, the dark colour of it stretching along the horizon. Once in a while, thunder rumbled in the distance. Perhaps this was the reason why most of the students were drowsy. This reason did not pertain to her drowsiness though. She'd spent the most of her night reading the rest of her John Grisham book.

The sound of the bell ringing jolted the class awake. Everybody rushed to pack up their bags and get out of the class.

"This is your assignment. It should be turned in on Friday!" The teacher's voice rang through the noise before she placed the pile on her table for everyone to pick.

Victoria swept the items on her table into her bag as she stood to get up. The sound of someone cringing beside her made her snap her head up.

The familiar face stared down at her. His mouth curled into a snarl and his face darting between her and her bag.

"You're not going to rearrange that?"

The voice sounded familiar. It had to be, though, since it was the one that had been raining  insults on her a day ago.

She turned away from him and gave a curt reply. "No."

"C'mon Tj let's go." Another voice popped behind them.

What's his name again?




Shawn! That was it!

Tj's eyes darted between her and the bag - that she had placed on her back as she got out of the seat- then,

"Fine. Let's go."

Shawn turned to give her a small smile. "You can seat with us at lunch, y'know."

Tj's head whipped towards him so fast that it looked as though it would snap. It was one thing for Shawn to make him try to act nice towards her but inviting her to their lunch table? Nahh.

Before he could speak though, she piped up.

"No thank you, I'm fine. I don't share tables with people who find it fun to insult people."

"He's sorry." Shawn smiled.

"I am?" Tj shot him a look.

"He's not."

She spun on her heels and walked out of the class.

The halls were filled up and she immediately followed along and soon she was sat at her table in the cafeteria. The room, as usual, was filled with students and reeked of money.

For students that had been sleepy in class, they were pretty lively here. The room was buzzing. Some were gossiping, some were pulling pranks while some did stuff that shouldn't be allowed in high schools.

But what can I say? This was a rich kids school.

She frowned, picking at the pasta in front of her. The slippery food slipped through her fork and back into the plate.

A shadow crossed her line of sight. She waited for it to move but it didn't.

Slowly, she raised her head up to face the person. It was a girl - that's a first, she laughed inwardly.

The girl wore the school sweater, a badge hanging off her upper left region. It read "Head girl." in bright red letters.

She had missed that, she hadn't really seen a lot of badges around.

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