Chapter 7

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The bell rung and the whole class burst out of the room. Everyone with a different facial expression which  showed how well they did on the impromptu test the teacher had set. Some were smiling, some where in the middle of smiling and frowning, some close to tears while some were actually crying. Then there was those that didn't even care how well they did.

Victoria walked down the hall though, with a smile on her face. The test had been a walkover, perks of being a loner.

A hand tapped her on the shoulder.

"Hi!" A face smiled brightly at her.

"You scared me." She placed a hand over her heart. "Hi."

It was the school's head girl.

"I was wondering how you did on the math test." She smiled, a hint of curiosity in her eyes.

"It was okay."

"Oh cmon! Don't be so modest. It was a total walk in the park for me. The others say the same but they had issues with questions 7 and 8. I only had issues with question 8. How about you?"

I had no issues with any.

Opting for a more modest answer, she smiled. "It was nice. Kinda easy."

"Cool! Can't wait for the results!" She grinned brightly, a condescending look spiraling in her eyes.

"I, umm..I don't know your name."

"Oh sweety, I'm popular around here. You'll get to know that very soon." She flashed her a smirk and sauntered off.

Shaking her head at that cocky remark, she walked into the Biology laboratory.

"Thought you weren't coming." A voice said to her left.

"Tj, I always attend classes." She deadpanned.

"You're never this late." He flashed his Chanel wristwatch in her face.

"So you're monitoring me now?" She rolled her eyes, taking out her books.

He shrugged. "Just wondering what took you so long."

"I got caught up in some things. Apparently the senior girl has some sort of interest in me." She arranged her pencil and pen on the table.

His expression changed instantly. "Alice was talking to you? Did she say why?"

"Nope. She was wondering how I feel about the maths test."

He face palmed. "That girl."

"Is anything the matter?" She asked curious about his reaction.

"Nothing, really. Just be careful with the girl. Don't tell her stuff."


He wasn't done though. "If you're looking for a friend, you won't find it in her."

That caught her attention. What was he trying to do?


"I'm just saying. I don't mean you shouldn't hang out with her or stuff." He rubbed the back of his neck.

"Sounds like that's exactly what you meant to me." She crossed her hands over her chest.

"I'm just looking out for you. Alice doesn't make friends. The last girl she was "interested in", He finger quoted in the air, "has transferred to another school. That's how bad she is."

"What do you mean?"

He stared at her, shook his head and faced towards the board. He was done talking.

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