Chapter 11

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: There's a bit of self abuse in the last paragraphs. If you're sensitive to stuff like that, please skip. Enjoy😇💃

The sun had risen. The bright morning rays seeped into the room, enveloping the space in a warm hug. The figure on the bed shifted adjusting into a comfortable position. The warm glow of the room gave it a serene feel and she wanted to sink in it forever.

A rrring sounded in the room, though. Jolting the figure awake. She reached over her bed, her hands hitting the bedside table. She cursed and reached further for her glasses on the table.

After a couple bruises, she was finally able to grasp the frames of the glasses. Cradling it in her hands, she settled it against her nose and immediately, her vision cleared.

The rring sounded again, insistent. She groaned. Who would wake someone up at such an early hour? It's the weekend! Begrudgingly picking up the phone, she checked the screen. It was an unknown number. There were two texts from the number.

Ready for the day? :~).

9:20 am

We're picking you up at your place, what's the address?


It was 9! 9 o'clock in the weekend! She'd rather her sleep than these creepy texts ! Who did she make plans with to meet during the weekend?

All that went on at school was the boys talking to her, Tj apologising, and them inviting her for- oh.

So it wasn't a dream? She was actually going to have her first hang out with friends? The word sounded alien to her. She'd never had friends growing up, everyone seemed to avoid ever like the plague. She didn't understand why the guys weren't scared off yet. They should have left her the moment they met her.

She peeled the duvet off her and slid out of the bed , tiredly. The room was in a much better order than the previous day. There were no more clothes littered around, empty snack wrappers were tucked away in the bin and her books were neatly arranged.

Admiring her work, she gave herself a mental pat on the back. There was something with tidying up her room, it gave her a happy feel. Unfortunately, she didn't feel it everytime because she rarely arranged the place.

She got into the shower and did her business. Picking a simple pair of shorts and a tank top, she sent a quick message to the number saying she still had to ask if she could go.

The phone call with Uncle Jay lasted an hour with thirty minutes out of it full of pleading and the last twenty minutes full of rule giving and thank yous.

She practically skipped down the stairs in her fresh clothes, a pair of Jean trousers ripped at both knees and a purple hoodie. Aunt Tamar gave a smile at the sight of her when she stepped into the kitchen.

"You're all dressed up." She stated.

"Yup." Victoria answered. Taking out a bowl for her cereal.

"Where are you going?"

"Oh I'm just hanging out with a couple friends." She shrugged nonchalantly, not to seem too excited.

Aunt Tamar smiled. "Nice. You can share your excitement with me though." She said, seeing right through her attitude.

That statement was like a key to opening a dam. The words started spilling out and she went on nonstop until another ding came from her phone.

So? You in? It read

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2021 ⏰

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