Chapter 53

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Ahsoka was laying in her cage beside me, quietly resting as I continued to meditate calmly. A loud clatter sounded as Anakin jumped onto his Padawans cage, shaking it roughly and waking Ahsoka up.

"Well, hello, Master. Took you long enough." Ahsoka commented.

"Well, I knew you had a nice view." He jumped back onto the building and used the force to lift our cages onto the ground in front of him. We had landed on the building with a loud thud. "Are you okay?" He helped us out of the cages to stand before him.

"I sense a disturbance in the Force." I told him as we broke our collars off immediately, setting ourselves free from the shocking pain we had endured.

"It's Dooku. I need you to get our ship. Here, take this comlink." Anakin ordered quickly, making up a plan after our original plan went sideways.

"Where are you going?" Ahsoka crossed her arms.

"The Queen knows where Obi-Wan is. Hold on to that comlink and wait for my signal." Anakin ran off again.

"Come on, Artoo." Ahsoka said as we ran off to find our ship which was locked down in a shipyard. "How are we going to get that out of here?" Ahsoka questioned with no faith.

"You get onto the ship, I'll worry about the lock" I told her, a plan already forming in my head. We both snuck over to the ship, Ahsoka getting inside while I crouched beside the clamp lock. "Let's see what we can do about this" I thought, inspecting it carefully. With a shrug I pulled out my lightsaber and cut through the lock, releasing the clamp off the foot of out ship. I ran inside to meet Ahsoka in the cockpit.

"Done?" Ahsoka asked in shock.

"Don't sound so shocked" I laughed at her.


The com link beeped after a while of us sitting in the cockpit, hiding from anyone who might be looking for us.

"That's our signal. Let's get going." Ahsoka announced, flying the ship to find her Master. Anakin jumped into the cargo hold, rushing to meet us in the cockpit.

"They are on a nearby planet called Kavado" Anakin joined us in the cockpit with his directions, taking a seat beside Ahsoka to pilot the ship away from the planet. You and Ahsoka both moved to get changed into your Jedi robes again.

The ship had landed on the base, the three of us running out as blasters shit at us, blowing up the ship as we reached the door.

"So much for our ride home." Anakin commented looking back at it up in flames.

"We have another problem" I looked to him as the door was locked in our faces.

"What now?" Ahsoka questioned, not understanding how we could save her people now.

"We get through the old fashioned way." Anakin began to cut through with his saber, taking more time that we would have liked.

"Anakin! I'm glad to see you, but I'm afraid our host feels otherwise." Obi Wan's voice paused Anakins cutting down the door as our former master appeared on the small screen beside us.

"You can't make everyone happy, Master." Anakin shrugged going back to work as we tried to stay out of the line of fire from the gun cannons.

"They're threatening to kill the slaves unless you surrender." Obi Wan explained the seriousness of what was at hand.

"It's good to see you're always ready to negotiate. But I've had enough bargaining with slave drivers." Anakin stated.

"Anakin, you must realize this is a fight you cannot win alone." Obi Wan reminded.

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