Chapter 21

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"Run! Run! Run!" Shaeeah screamed, running to the house with her brother.

"Monsters! Run! Run!"


"Shaeeah? Jekk? What's wrong?" Cut asked quickly, picking up his daughter as Suu grabbed their son.

"Monsters! They're chasing us!" Shaeeah explained, panicked.

"What monsters, honey? Where?" Suu asked taking them both inside where they would be safe.

"They hatched from the big egg in the field!" She explained as me and the two clones looked at each other with worry. My eyes widened as I pushed through to look outside. Cut grabbed his binoculars and stared out into the field.

"Ah. This is not good. I count 20."

"Cut, what's out there?" Suu held her kids close with worry.

"Commando droids." He reported sternly.

"What are they doing?" Rex asked but received no response.

"Suu, get the kids upstairs." Cut ordered.

"Come. Come, children. Come now!" She helped them up as Cut shut and locked the door quickly, jumping into action to keep his family safe.

"What weapons do you have?" Rex asked. Cut suddenly opened a safe in the wall to reveal a bunch of weapons. "We can catch them in a crossfire. You take that corner." He began to give out instructions.

"No, Captain. With respect, you're not in charge here." Cut told him, cutting him off sternly.

"I can be useful." Rex pleaded.

"Sir, you're injured. You have only one good arm."

"But I can fight." Rex protested.

"So can I." Cut reminded.

"What do you want us to do?" I spoke up, settling the argument to take back to the task at hand.

"Rex, I need you to be the last line of defense for my family. Lyra, do you think you can help him"

"I'll take care of them." Rex promised.

"I'll help too" I nodded.

"Thank you." Cut turned out the lights as I ran upstairs with Rex as fast as we could.

"It's gonna be okay" I calmed the kids as Suu held them close to her. Rex stood behind the wall next to the door while I kneeled in front of the three members of Cuts family. Shots were heard from downstairs and I saw the family flinch in fear.

"Rex, they're coming for you!" Cut warned us. I stood up and hid behind the other wall, nodding to Rex as a signal to go. Rex ran out and I followed soon after. He shot one droid while I sliced through the other with my green saber glowing in the dark house.

"Lyra watch out!" Captain Rex warned, jumping in front of me and shooting the droid who was aimed at me. Unfortunately for us the droid shot through the floor, causing us to both fall down beside Cut. I groaned in pain as I shifted slightly. Rex had gasped for air as we landed and a droid held him by the throat. I coward back in fear and pain until Cut shot the droid, letting Rex fall to the ground.

"Daddy? Daddy?" Jekk asked while peaking over the hole in the floor.

"I'm okay. It's over." He sighed standing up and helping us to our feet as well. Rex leaned his body against the wall to save his strength as I held onto the nearby table.


"All right, that should do it." Rex stated as we packed up one of their animals to ride back to our team on.

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