Chapter 70

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I woke up in my quarters of the cruiser with a yawn, stretching my arms above my head. Stepping into the hallway I noticed it seemed oddly empty, feeling very little in the force as well. The last thing I remember before I went to sleep was that we had been travelling through hyperspace into a battle, but no alarms woke me to signal we had arrived yet.

"I should check the bridge" I thought to myself. Walking through the ship calmly and quietly I heard a voice which sent panic shooting through my whole body.

"Roger Roger" with a gasp I had hidden behind the wall just in time for them to pass, not noticing me.

"Battle droids?" I questioned at the sight, tilting my head in confusion. "Somethings wrong" I snuck around, seeing more droids as I worked my way towards the bridge to figure out what had happened.

"Take the clones armour, they won't be needing it anymore" a mysterious separatist voice told the lead droid who had stood in the bridge.

"Roger Roger"

"What happened to the clones?" I asked myself in a mere whisper while I stood behind the wall and listened in.

"You heard him, take the clones armour and rid this ship of their body's" a gasp escaped my mouth and the droids turned towards me. I quickly jumped up into the vents before they could spot me, letting out a soft sigh as they went back to their orders.

"Kriff, they killed the troopers" a frown overtook my face as I suddenly remembered who I was working with on the cruiser. "Rex" quickly maneuvering my way through the ships vents I had dropped down in the empty hallway of my quarters and rushed to the door. I looked back to see Rex walking towards me, helmet tucked under his arm showing off his clones face flashing a shy smile. He quickly looked away to make it seem as though he wasn't staring, but I had caught him with a gentle smile, forgetting momentarily about the problem on board.

The heavy footsteps of clones boots came from the other end of the hallway and panic set in once again. Acting on instinct I grabbed Rex and pulled him into a storage closet across the hall. He grunted in surprise at the sudden movement and my actions before he noticed how close we stood.

"Oh, I'm sorry, sir" he quickly apologized, standing chest to chest with me, looking anywhere except towards me. Placing a hand over his mouth he gasped slighting in surprise again while I kept him quiet, peaking out the slightly open door to watch the droid pass while wearing stollen clone armour.

"Sorry about that" I removed my hand. "Where have you been?"

"I was working in my quarters when I noticed the ship was oddly quiet and went to investigate."

"Well as far as I'm aware, our ship has been hijacked and the droids don't know we are here."

"But we just saw a trooper." He reasoned.

"That was a droid warring clone trooper armour. They must have gotten onto our ship before the men could react and took over, there were no survivors other than us" I explained the situation with disappointment.

"Well, General, what's our plan?"

"We need to take back the ship, call for reinforcements and take down all of the droids" I listed off the important steps.

"We should start with taking down the droids" he suggested as I agreed with the plan. Walking out of the closet we both looked each way to make sure it was clear. "I'll head to the armoury and get some things to help us"

"No, we need to stick together. They'll know something is wrong if we set off any explosions or heavy gunfire" I reminded, reaching for my sabers and getting them ready to cut down some droids. "We have to be quiet and fast"

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