Chapter 58

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"Hello, Jayko" Yoda had greeted me upon my entrance to the meditation room, needing to think about everything that had been flooding my mind over the past few days.

"Hello master" I bowed slightly before taking a seat across from him.

"Something on your mind, you have?" He inquired, sensing my clear distraction.

"Well uh yes, Obi Wan is still alive" I stated as a fact. "But we watched him die" I explained my confusion.

"A set up, it was"

"You summoned me, master?" Anakin entered a moment later, having been called in by Yoda.

"Wrong to deceive you it was, but much at stake there is" Yoda started.

"So I was right, Obi Wan is still alive" Anakin almost cheered.

"Skywalker a powerful Jedi you are, yet unpredictable and dangerous you can be to both your friends and enemy's. For Obi Wan on your patience everything depends."

"What if he needs our help?" Anakin asked making me nod in agreement to the question.

"If you leave, help him you could but his future uncertain it is. Trust in Obi Wan we must." Yoda finished. You understood his reasoning, trusting in the man who had completed your training.


"As you can see, we've mapped the Chancellor's route to and from the festival stage." Mace Windu started, a holomap highlighting the route in yellow. "We know where he'll be at every moment from the time we land on Naboo."

"What security measures are in place?" Master Plo asked.

"The Naboo Royal Guard will have armed sentries at all entry points on the palace. And the stage itself will be sealed off by a ray shield for the duration of the event." Mace continued.

"I see nothing here to worry about." Anakin claimed with a calmness to his tone.

"With complacency comes vulnerability. Yes. It is what we do not see that concerns me. A long time to plan his attack, Count Dooku has." Yoda spoke up from his level, you looking down to listen to his words.

"Yes. We thought we'd have an advantage with Obi-Wan on the inside, but we've had no communication from him in days." Windu continued with worry for the Jedi on the inside.

"Obi-Wan will do his part. Let's make sure we do ours." Anakin stepped up giving us all confidence in the plan.


The chancellors ship landed on his home of Naboo, all of us stepping off to be greeted by the Senator and Queen.

"Greetings your majesty" Chancellor Palpatine greeted the two women kindly.

"Welcome home, Chancellor." Padme stepped forward with a gentle smile. "I'm thankful to the Jedi for bringing you here safely." She spared a quick glance to her husband.

"Yes, Senator, it is good to be back, although I think the amount of security that has accompanied me is overkill."

"With all due respect, Chancellor, where your safety is concerned there is no such thing as overkill." Windu stepped in to remind in his stern manner.

"So you keep insisting, Master Jedi. But I've grown tired of discussing it."

"Anakin, Ahsoka, Lyra, welcome to the festival." Padme walked along side us as Ahsoka looked around in awe at the beautiful town.

"I've never seen the Festival of Light. Sounds like a big event." Ahsoka said.

"They're expecting a large crowd, which means it will be difficult for Dooku to attack during the ceremony." I started to explain the logistics of the festival and the mission.

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