Chapter 67

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"Should we go get them started?" Ahsoka asked with a smile as we walked out of the cockpit and into the training room. We watched with smiles as Petro was showing off his skills with a practice drone and a stick.

"I call that move the 'Whirlwind of Destiny'." Petro stated, lifting his mask that covered his eyes for the training simulation.

"Showoff." Zatt commented.

"Can everyone gather around, please?" I asked, clapping at his skill proudly.

"You have all successfully passed The Gathering and harvested your crystals." Ahsoka started.

"So when do we start to build our sabers?" Petro voiced their question eagerly.

"Place your crystals on the table. Your lesson begins now. May I introduce you to architect and lightsaber designer Huyang?" I started, stepping to the side to let them through.

"These are them. I swear they get younger every expedition." The droid commented upon his entry. "All have passed The Gathering?"

"Yes, sir." Ahsoka nodded.

"Are you sure?"

"But he's a droid. You expect us to learn from a droid?" One child asked from the back of the group.

"Who said that?" Our droid turned to them hastily. The rodian girl stepped up, taking the blame for her words. "Many years I have been on this ship, teaching many a Jedi before you, and I will continue teaching many a Jedi after you. Call me what you want, but inside my memory banks, I contain a record of every lightsaber ever made and the Jedi who fashioned them." He pulled up a hologram of examples to prove to the kids.

"Whoa! Look at that!" They cheered.

"Which will you choose? A simple grip? The curved approach? One inlaid with the bone of the Cartusion whale, pastillion ore, or black onk? Well?" He walked around them all, listing many options and ideas.

"From Battles of Rashfond to the Peacekeeping of Parliock to our very own Clone Wars, the lightsaber is a Jedi's only true ally. But how do they work, hmm? Yes, you have brought me crystals, but they're all useless unless you give them life. Do you know how to awaken the Force within the crystal?" He leaned down and they shook their heads no in response.

"No? Then I suggest you listen and learn until you think of a question this droid cannot answer. A Wookiee. Rare you are to the Jedi. Proud your people must be. Unique, just as your lightsaber will be. Hold out your hand, Wookiee." He instructed. "Describe what you see your saber to be. No, no, no, not what you imagine, but what you feel in your hand. Concentrate. What will make you strong in battle and humble in retreat? What connects with your Force?" The Wookiee growled in response.

"Ah, yes, wood. Not a common choice. And only wood from the brylark tree
is as strong as metal. Let me see. would we find that all the way out here, far from anywhere, deep in space? Let's see what we have. Let me see. Let me... Yes, yes, yes. No, no, no, no, no, no." He moved to check the storage in the back for the item needed to built the lightsaber. "Ah, I wondered where I put that. Oh, that's not mine. Ah, ah, what do we have here?" He pulled over a box and began to put something together quickly.

"Whoa, look at that."




"You can say that again."


"It is my job, before you leave this ship, you will have everything you need to build your lightsabers and the knowledge of how to do it. So let us begin. There is much more work to be done." He told them simply before teaching his lesson on building lightsabers.

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