chapter five

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Nikhil wakes up slowly, feeling warm and then finds his arms wrapped around ragini. He panicked for a moment not knowing how this happened, surely he had not dragged ragini from her side of the bed and then mildly remembered something rolling over his side in the night and him being sleepy holding on to it. So that was ragini he concludes, he beams that even though it was unconsciously ragini had come towards him. He runs his hands over her hairs, and touches the soft skin of her face and can feel his heart racing up. He pulls his hand away from her face after a moment, and slowly frees himself from her carefully so that her sleep doesn't get disturbed. Ragini stires in her sleep for a moment but her breathing was steady much to Nikhil's relief indicating that she was still sleeping. He continued to stare at her face for few minutes before he goes to the washroom to freshen up himself.

Ragini wakes up, yawning and stretches herself. She was confused to find herself opposite side from where she slept last time. She remembered how she was habituated to roll over the bed while sleeping, swara when moved in her room had everytime complained to ragini about her habit where she could roll over to the other side and leaves little space between her and the other person. She even teased ragini about how her husband was going to have great advantage of it, ragini thought her habit had gone away long back but she was wrong. She concludes that since she had slept peacefully without any tension yesterday, her habit had made a come back. She wonders why had laksh had never said anything about her habit but grimaced thinking of him, laksh had rarely known anything related to her. When they got married first time, he never slept with her and when he faked his love for her even that time, he could have thought that she was desperate for him and hence rolled over towards him during the nights. She shakes herself from his thoughts, her heart was pounding frantically thinking what would have Nikhil thought about her and only hoped that she had rolled over when Nikhil had gotten awake and the bed was empty. She scans the room trying to find her husband but sadly she could not find him. she decides to get herself dressed properly and find him and clear her confusions and apologize if she has crossed her boundaries.

Fifteen minutes later, Ragini properly dressed up and had walked out of her room ,To her suprise, she found all her family looking tensed and sitting in the hall. Parvati who had noticed her granddaughter first rushed towards her," Laado, make damad ji understand that he can't cook for us"
Ragini who was startled by her dadi's word, simply nods at her and goes towards the kitchen. In her twenty two years of her life ragini had never seen the male members of her family nor in her ex in laws family willingly coming inside the kitchen, it was always said to be a woman territory and ragini believed it but looking at her husband cooly handling the things in the kitchen she did not know what to say. She thought the kitchen will be in mess by now but it was not.
" Nikhil" she calls his name, Nikhil stops whatever he was doing and turns towards her with a smile.
" Good morning " he greets her.
" Good morning" she greets him back. She could not form sentences properly to tell him to get out of the kitchen because her family feels ashamed of eating food cooked by their son in law.
" You don't have to cook, ma and dadi doesn't like it and even papa and dadaji is not happy" ragini informs him.
" But I like to cook" he says to her," and anyway you cooked something for my family the first day after our marriage so its only right I do the same for yours"
Ragini finds herself agreeing with his words but finds herself in dilemma,
" Nikhil but dadi maa has send me in to get you out"
" Then don't go out, I just need another half an hour" he says to her.
" What will I do still then?" She asks him. Nikhil doesn't respond anything but holds out a cup which smelled sweet and chocolately.
She knitted her eyebrows in confusion and takes the cup from him," it is the hot chocolate, you can have it and stare at him while I cook" she gives him a weird expression," and ragini, girls who have zero knowledge about cricket comes to stadium just to stare at me, so I'm not that bad that you can't stare. In fact you have full license to openly drool upon me" he flirts, she doesn't look at him feelings flustered all of sudden. Nikhil noticing her expression, smirks and goes back to continue his work.
" Between what are you cooking?" She asks him curiously.
" Your favourites" he replies to her, not turning towards her busy with cutting the vegetables ragini doesn't ask him how does he knows her favourite dishes she figured out he had somehow managed to get that information from her mother or grandmother.
" You need help?" she offers him but he declines her help. Sensing that she had no other option then staring at him, Ragini leans against the wall for and sips the hot chocolate given by him. It was delicious, how come she has never tasted something so good before.
" This is delicious" she exclaimes out loudly. Nikhil smiles but doesn't say anything and continues to do his work but Ragini was left embarassed. Why did she had to act like this? But it tasted so delicious, she continues sipping the hot chocolate slowly enjoying the taste of the it. She stares at Nikhil while he was cooking and this is the first time she observes his physical features without feeling anxious and nervous. If she is being truthful Nikhil was by far the most good looking man she has been with, he was stunningly attractive and his eyes by far the most attractive feature of his face. His jaw lines were well defined and his muscles were so well built, ragini kept looking at him wide eyed and observing his features.
Nikhil could feel ragini's eyes boring into his figure and felt a sudden urgue to turn towards her side and look at her but he stopped himself not wanting to make her feel awkward.

Elsewhere swara steps inside the gadodia house nervously but still determined to speak to ragini. The already tensed gadodia family members were not happy when swara stepped inside the house.
" I want to meet ragini" swara demands.
" Yeh chori, go away from here we will not let you meet her' Parvati snaps at her. Swara flinches at her grandmother's tone but still refuses to move away.
" Where is Ragini?" She asks this time afraid that Ragini had already left the badi.
" In the kitchen" Sharmishta blurts out and recieves glares from everyone. Swara hurries towards the kitchen before any one stops her. Sharmishta wanted  to go behind swara to stop her  but shekhar stops her reasoning that Nikhil would be left suspicious and he doesn't need any new drama happening. Parvati prays that swara doesn't create any new drama.

Swara entered the kitchen relieved that no one will stop her from talking to Ragini now but witnesses another situation here, Ragini was lazily leaning against the wall  and with wide eyes looking at Nikhil who was busy handling the cooking part and both of them were unaware of swara's presence . Swara recovers from the shock and clears her throat gaining attention ,both Nikhil and Ragini turned towards her. Ragini looked confused with her sister's sudden appearance but was happy seeing her and Nikhil was surprised with the sudden entrance. He recognizes swara as ragini's sister.
" You must be my sister in law" Nikhil speaks out to swara who nods her head. Nikhil smiles at her extending his hand,"  I'm your brother in law, Nikhil khoda". swara shakes her hands with him and introduces herself.
" Swara if you don't mind, give me five more minutes. I will be finished with my cooking then we can speak, you were not at the wedding too but anyway if you want to speak to your sister privately you can do that too" Nikhil says to her.
" It's okay I can wait" swara replies to him and for her surprise gets herself a cup of hot chocolate from him. She stands next to Ragini and observes Nikhil arranging breakfast.
" That's ragini's favourite" she comments seeing most of ragini's favourite dishes.
" He knows"
" I know" both Ragini and Nikhil says together much to swara's amusement and becomes silent.
Swara sips the hot chocolate and finds it amazing.
" How do you know to make this so well? And even your food smells amazing" swara compliments
" I agree I am a cricketer but doesn't mean I don't have any other hobbies and I don't learn anything else" Nikhil says to her, " mom absolutely loved my hot chocolate especially during her periods, she says it reduces her period cramps totally but now that  she doesn't get her periods anymore and now loves my Tomato soup more"
Both swara and ragini face turned red with embarassment hearing Nikhil so openly speaking about periods. Nikhil stops speaking looking at their expressions. He arched his eyebrows at them, " what's wrong?, Did I say anything wrong?"
" Nothing" both swara and ragini answers together.
" Wait, are you embarassed that I'm openly talking about periods" Nikhil guesses. Ragini and swara keeps quiet still baffled out of their wits, Nikhil continues" but what is here to get embarassed about it? That's a normal thing which happens and mom says woman should not be embarassed about it"

He stuns both Ragini and swara by his nonchalant way of speaking about something which society considers still a taboo.
Ragini was swayed away by his words and thinks how different he was from the men she has encountered in her life till now. Swara was left impressed by the man standing in front of her, she understood why yesterday her mother spoke so highly of him.
" You're genuinely a very amazing person Nikhil and I'm impressed" swara's words shook Ragini out of her reverie. She offers him a warm smile which he acknowledged offering her the same.
" I'm glad you're charmed but I think we should go out before my in laws rush inside thinking you too sisters have murdered me" he jokes to which swara and ragini nods their head with a smile and helps him to carry the breakfast out.

Ragini gadodia X Nikhil khoda FF Broken but beautiful Where stories live. Discover now