chapter twelve

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" How was your kolkata trip?" Swara asks Nikhil trying to break the awkward silence between everyone.
" It went great!" Nikhil exclaimes happily," I was planning to do it again as we could not explore more but I will not deny it was one of the memorable days of my life"
Ragini slightly smiles remembering yesterday's events. It was indeed memorable and it would be one of the few moments in her life were she had breathed freely without any restrictions from anyone. Laksh looks at ragini's smile and his mood went downhill. Seriously she was roaming around with that man who punched him.
" Please, why aren't you people eating anything?" Nikhil asks.
" Aise kuch nahi hai beta!" Durga Prasad assures him and proceeds to have the snacks served, the other family members follows his suit.
" Why are they behaving so awkward? Why can't they thank me and just leave or this people going to waste the whole day trying to act sweet!" Nikhil thought annoyed but doesn't say it out loud or maybe he will if they don't leave within next one hour. He was putting up with this whole family because they are his wife's sister's in laws but he can't assure how much time he could be able to tolerate them.
" Nikhil beta! Thank you for what you have done for us. We will not forget this favour ever and ragini beta you too. After whatever laksh did with you, you still did not turn your back on us and helped us" durgaprasad express his gratitude to the couple.
Nikhil shrugs nonchalantly," it's not a great deal uncle but I have already said this to swara that I did this only because of ragini. There is no other reason so don't thank me but yeah you can thank ragini off course"
Ragini becomes slightly flustered when durgaprasad looks at her from nikhil. Not only durgaprasad, everyone's attention was on her. She wanted to reprimand Nikhil for being so blunt. He made it seem that he did everything only because of her.
" Yes you fool he did that only for you" her conscience reminds her.
Ragini's heart skips a beat upon that realisation. She had never had anyone solely do things for her sake.
" It's fine uncle ji! You don't need to thank me. Swara is my sister, I would never turn my back on her after everything we have been through and anyway no one is saint here. I just hope we can forget our past and move forward without trying to keep grudges" Ragini's words startled everyone especially Laksh who was agitated by her words. Laksh literally could not believe that the ragini who was ready to kill her own sister for him few months before was indicating that she wanted to move on and was requesting everyone to do the same.
" I hope you mean your words Ragini, the last time you said something like this we all know what happened" Laksh could not stop himself from taunting her.
Nikhil's jaw clenched and he was about respond to laksh but ragini was quick to retort back.
" I remember Laksh and I will never forget the lesson that decision has taught me and I most probably will never do that foolishness again I assure you"
Laksh grimaced at her tone but could not say anything to shut her off. Nikhil looks on appreciatively at ragini for shutting down her ex husband properly. Sensing the tension, durgaprasad intervens
" I admire your honesty Nikhil beta and what ragini beti has said is true too. We should forget everything and start new. It's holika dahan two days later, why don't you and ragini come over for dinner to our house?" Durgaprasad invites them warmly.
Nikhil and Ragini look at each other confused with the sudden invitation.
" We would be glad but unfortunately we have to decline this, we already have plans for that day" Nikhil refuses the invitation politely. Ragini was perplexed for a moment at his words wondering what plans did they have but remembers that actually they did have a plan with Nikhil's teammates.
" Some other day maybe when we are free we would definitely come!" Ragini says smiling stiffly at them.Durgaprasad nods dejected.
" Then I think we should take your leave now" Durgaprasad folds his hands as he gets up. Ragini hugs swara and nods at sanskar little but ignores everyone else who were staring at her.
She was about to sigh in relief when Annapurna walks towards her.
" Ragini, I know this is not my place to speak but you're a married woman now and you used to dress up like a decent married woman when you were married with laksh? Why are you dressed up like this? Does your dadi know this?" Annapurna scanned ragini top to bottom in an disapporving way. Ragini looks around for Nikhil but he was busy answering something to sanskar as the men of the house surrounded him. They had moved him little far from her.She tensed up realizing that Nikhil was not here to support her like the last time, she had to manage herself.

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