A New Friend

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All Soviet could think about was what Germany and America had said. First of all. There were other countries. He wasn't the only one, so other countries have done bad stuff too. So why should he be careful if he meets another? If he's already as bad as the others then shouldn't he fit in?
Secondly, what the fuck did America mean
'See you never'
Was he never coming back? He should have asked how long he was going to be there for. Then he decided to forget about it. Since it was America. And he's always telling lies and teasing people. Fuck that guy.

Also, how long was this trip? He didn't have anything to entertain him. So he was going to be there bored out of his mind.

After a while, he finally came up with a game. He called it, "Where The Fuck Am I Going?" and all you have to do is say random names of places in the world. The rules: just avoid American places.

After he played that game, he started to make random scenarios. He would look like a crazy man to everyone else.
Soviet pointed an imaginary gun towards a chair, where he was about to shoot America.
"NO. This is your fault. Now Capitalism is no more."

He shot America.
"Pew Pew! He's dead! China, get the body. North, check if anyone is around! Communism has won!"

He looked like a bloody child at this point. But it was consuming time. And finally, after Soviet had made himself leader again by killing China, he was at the Human World.

He would have to be fast. As many Humans were around. The platform was abandoned due to this Train being 'Out of Order'. It was basically just a portal for Countries to get to the Humans. And Soviet didn't know this, but this was the only one in the world. So he didn't have a choice in going to different places.

But judging from the American flag on the train, he was in America.

Fucking kill me already. I'll just strangle myself right here.

The Communist thought as he looked around the new station. He could see Humans all on the other platforms. Where the hell was he? What state. What city. He could obviously see it was a city, since it was so busy...

How was he going to get past everyone? Maybe he would just stay here, living on the train. He would eat the rats, and drink the water that leaks down from the ceiling. Diseases? He's a country, he can deal with it.

But then he made a new decision.
USSR decided to try and make a run for it. This was a very shit idea.

(Hey reader, you're human! Or maybe not. I'm not. But imagine this: you're about to board a train, then all of a sudden. A tall, big, red and brown monster runs through the crowd.)

He just ran, people looking at him- some screaming. It was quite entertaining for the commie. Pushing over Humans of any age. Toddlers, Old people... Jumping the gate. He ran through the corridors, ran up the stairs and then making it to the surface.


Humans everywhere, looking at him. Soviet was processing what was going on, while taking steady breaths. Millions of people, bright sun, traffic, crying and shouting. He looked back at the underground station. Security was running at him.


The communist started to run again. He needed to find a safe place he could rest. Goddammit, now he realised - he was homeless here. He didn't realise at first. How was he supposed to survive?

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