Seeing The Dead

753 26 308

Any of you notice my thing with titles?

Sorry about this I was lazy...BAD CHAPTER! BUT FUNNY AHAHAH...


Britain watched Soviet listen into the conversation coming from downstairs. He wasn't the one to listen to other people unless he thought something was really wrong.

Sov widened his eye. They had found Third...yet there was the mention of Japan being dead? How. What? Then he heard Prussia crying. So he was the one to find the flowers first, was that good or bad?

The large union turned back towards his boyfriend with a confused look. Jack tilted his head.

"Go back up, quick -"

Soviet whispered and shooed the little union up the stairs, running into his own room.

Britain closed the door behind them, being quiet. He waited for Sov to start speaking.

"What's going on?"

"...come here."

UK knew something was most definitely wrong. And by the way Soviet was acting, this was probably going to be a big turn of events. Since the man was speaking in his gentle voice instead of the thick accent.

He walked towards the commie, feeling arms wrap around him. Did something bad happen? Why was he being hugged?

"I'm going to need you to be calm alright?"

"What happened?! Did someone hurt themselves?!"

"I guess...someone did."

This was going to be very hard to explain. USSR tightened their embrace, trying to forget the memories.


"You waaaant...strawberry or chocolate?"

"Just pick one. Any. I'm fine with either. We need to get out of here before someone questions us."

Confederacy gestured to the dog. Virginia sat down beside them, scratching her ear. Looked like an absolute strayed animal.

America rolled his eyes and stared at the two boxes in his hand. Strawberry donuts? Or Chocolate donuts? Strawberry? Chocolate? Pink? Brown? Human Flesh? Human Waste?

He shrugged, picking them both. Wow, very good at saving money aren't we?

"That's somethin' a fat guy would do."

"Call me fat. I'll break you in half you twig."

"Pfft. As if that blob you possess could move."

"We'll see when those spaghetti legs snap."

"If you can even watch. Your eyelids will immediately shut because they're so chubby."

"Your face doesn't even have eyelids cuz you're just a skeleton."

"You're an elephant that managed to escape a failed lab experiment. You probably got help from the military, broke the plane on your trip here. Your trunk turned into your penis."

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