Great French Hound

841 21 253

*Some weird Curo stuff*


Prussia looked back at the hurt animal. It reminded him so much of Schäfer, how he killed him right in front of his brother. And laughed.

Ottoman had thrown down the man's breakfast earlier on. It wasn't ever breakfast but rotten birds. Really? Couldn't pick anything worse for an Avian to eat.

The small bird was flightless, it looked young. This was the first time Otto had put an alive creature into the pit instead of dead, it was sick and cruel. But Prussia couldn't say anything could he?
He was just as bad.

"You hurt?"

Why am I talking to a bird? This is something a lonely man would do.

"I don't know what to do with you. I guess we'll both die here."

Pruss sat back down and hugged his knees, looking at the crying bird. It looked like a sort of crow? Very fluffy and small, so it was most definitely not fully grown. Poor thing.


It had been a while.

The crow was still alive which surprised the man. He sighed and put his hands around the thing, lifting it up gently and tried to give it warmth.

An Avian thing to do.

"You better stop crying now."

It was working a little, the thing was starting to become quiet and calm. Still shivering but it was probably still in shock.

Prussia stared at the bird, trying to figure out it's gender. It looked smaller than the crows he'd seen before, but it was still young so it was even harder. Looked tiny so he suggested a girl.

"If you live. I will name you."

Why am I still talking to this thing? It's supposed to be my breakfast. How do I even...i just want someone to talk to that isn't some stupid empire forcing me to end a whole six year war. I'm not wasting those years. I have done so much. And I won't give up just like that. But if I don't they'll leave me here to focus on my own faults.

"Pfft. Right bird?"

He didn't even know what he was doing or talking about anymore. Going crazy by the second he was still underneath those metal bars.



"What do vous want?"

Mayan stood up straight as he saw Ottoman storm over to them, tripping over some of the rubble.
The European stood up as well, put his hands behind his back and smiled.

"Oui Monsieur?"

"You're helping me find Martial. I want you to sniff him out."

Vichy widened his eyes and laughed sarcastically. He wasn't going to act like a dog. Yet Otto was dead serious, anger showed on his face as he watched the Euro laugh.

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