Tell Him No

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The screaming ended after a while. The man kicked the lifeless body back down the stairs. He rolled his eyes and looked back at the hallway where more people armed with guns were staring at him.


The Country shouted with annoyance in his voice. The man ran up the other set of stairs beside him, gun shots heard behind.

Brit sprinted into another room for cover. These people weren't hard to kill but the man just wanted to have fun. And the screaming and squirming around on the floor wasn't any fun for him. He preferred slow breathing, with the victim unable to scream at the amount of pain they were in. Screaming for Mummy nor Daddy was entertaining for him.

The Country reloaded his gun. Killing with a long range weapon wasn't fun either. Some of them just straight up died. The Brit tried his hardest not to get headshots but it was hard with bullets always coming at him. It was hard to see.

More shouting was heard outside the door. Britain moaned, he hid behind one of the desks as the humans kicked down the door and ran inside.
That's right, keep on coming in. Please, we can fit more.
The Union adjusted his glasses and quickly stood up. Shooting at the people who were doing the same thing.
Everyone fell down and the Brit grabbed his arm. One of them actually managed to shoot him. Well, he was shot in his foot earlier which still hurt like hell. But two shots in the same building? These guys were good at aim.

Well. No shit sherlock, this was a highly secured governmental building. Of course there'd be humans with good aim here.

Britain watched them all scream and cry in pain. Crying, something he liked to see. Something to laugh about.

The Country giggled as he went to one of the humans and began to repeatedly stamp on their head. They laughed even more as he heard their skull crack and blood spill out everywhere. The Brit eventually stopped as he fully crushed the man's skull.

Then he moved on towards the other suffering human. They were still that was good.
Jack grabbed the woman's head and began to dig his nails into her face. She struggled to scream as she started to gurgle her own blood. Practically drowning in it. Britain laughed as his nails came right through her cheeks. He could feel her teeth now. The man stared into her eyes as she started to choke. Brit thrust her down with force. She took her last breath as even more blood poured out of her mouth, it was mixed with her own saliva. So it looked more runny than thick.

Now it's getting even more fun.
Britain laughed. Everyone else wasn't breathing. Which was irritating but the man decided to move on. Leaving his masterpieces behind.

Now. Why was he here in the building? What was he looking for? Why was the once innocent British man now murdering people?

He always did this. It wasn't for any other purpose but for his own pleasure. Seeing others suffer...seeing everyone else was weak.
He could see the night sky was beginning to get more lighter blue. The sun was rising...

All night he had been travelling here and there to buildings outside of the City. Just to murder a few humans and then move on. It was Calming for him. Hearing everyone else scream underneath his laughs. The world tremble underneath his footsteps.

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