This Wont Work

604 22 244

I hate shower thoughts. But not as much as I hate writers block.



"But don't cats have nine lives?"

"I'm not exactly a full cat though."

Japan explained with a smile. Britain laughed, turning towards the door as Soviet walked through. Well wasn't that long?

"Hey Britain."

"Evening sir."

"Oh, you calling me Sir now? are you doing?"

"I'm still in pain. But now I'm in even more of a bad mental state since I figured I can't walk for a while."

"Well. I thought I was going to be the first to make you stop walking for a while-"


Schutzstaffel shouted up to them. Well that destroyed their little conversation. Damn you SS.

USSR rolled his eyes and gently hugged the kingdom before leaving to go find a plan. Jack really wanted to fight with them but with his stupid leg injury he couldn't. At least Prussia would be attacked soon. They all had a great chance of winning seeing as the Avian was a really small country.

Japan came back into view, smirking down at the injured man. Robin frowned.

"Oh come on. You two are so cute together!"

"Never say that. We are not cute! We are just together, not cute!"

"You two are the first ever couple since...well...since...i don't know? Uhm...there's been no couples have there?"

UK laughed, stopping immediately since it pained him to move. Jap took a deep breath.

"You know. I don't know why I'm breathing..."

"Because it feels like you are alive again?"

"I guess...having injuries when you are ghost is not fun."

"What injuries did he give you?!"

"Broken tail...i got stabbed in the back, stabbed in the arm, when I was stabbed in the head that is what killed me."

"Ugh, that bastard! If I was able to walk then I wouldn't be waiting to make a stupid plan!! I'd be marching right out of this place on the hunt for that bird man right now! Leaving everyone!"

"Have you even tried walking yet?"

The island raised his brow. Maybe...just maybe, he could stand? Maybe Roman was wrong...
But was it worth a try? It would really hurt if it all went wrong.

Japan watched as Britain shuffled himself over to the side of the bed and let his legs down with ease. He winced a little at the pain.

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