That Wasn't Expected

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Well well, you come here for another chapter?

I would have been so surprised. But I know that you're always here..i know what you're up to. Oh yes I do.

You're reading this.


So the plan had begun. Britain stayed in the house, alone, whilst everyone went out on a hunt.

The war was ready! Or should I say, the fight was ready! They never listened to Brit's plan and went with their own. Going outside to catch the Prussian in person, not being patient at all.

Jack just stayed with CSA, raiding the cupboards to see what food would be around. Oh boy did he hit the jackpot.

"Seems like someone has a little sweet tooth ~!"

He laughed as he grabbed the box of cupcakes. Now now, there was one rule with Brit when he was younger and even at the age he was at right now. He wasn't allowed too much sugar. Else he would be bouncing off of the walls. What can I say? He was a weakling with sugar rushes. Child's personality.

"You aren't going to eat them all...right?"

Confederacy asked worriedly. He was jealous that he wasn't able to eat anything anymore. Those cakes looked delicious.

The island laughed as he opened the box, looking around at all the carefully decorated designs. Just at the sight, he smirked as he knew what he was going to do. Oh no.


He was getting way too excited already. They all looked great. Lemon, Vanilla, Chocolate and Strawberry. Only the best! Topped with chocolate flakes of course. Oh Britain was going to have one hell of a time.

I guess you could call them drugs. Brit did act very differently when he had too much. Yet, nothing was too much. He needed more. They were like a happy medicine to him.

Confy gulped as he watched the union took a bite out of one of them. He was not prepared for what this country was capable of.


Soviet was the one to lead everyone on, walking through the woods. Hoping not to walk all the way to the city since it was such a long walk.

Russia walked by his side. He was very proud to finally hold a gun for once. Such an honour! It made him feel powerful. Especially since he was able to lead everyone on alongside his father.

Mongol stayed beside the rest of her empire friends. That way she felt safe for all them and herself. She didn't want to lose her family, even if they weren't anyway related to her.

Schutzstaffel was right at the back, hoping to start and finish fast. His plan was very well thought out than all the other's ideas. Carefully made to work perfectly. So he could enjoy winning for once in his life. The last time he'd win as well. One fight, his last fight. He hated wars so he wouldn't join anymore after this. This was only for Third. No one else.

The team stayed close as not to lose each other. Scared if Prussia was actually waiting for them.


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