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The last rituals of Rusong lasted for 100 days. After attending the prayer on 100th day I came back to Yunmeng.

Uncle came to my room when he heard of my return.

"What is Cut Sleeve?" At my question Uncle Jiang retorted in anger "Where do you hear all this nonsense? When we were at your age we only concentrated on improving our cultivation skills. You are the future of Lanlingjin sect and see yourself. Instead of being inquisitive of martial arts techniques, you are curious about non-curable diseases". With the anger on his face he left my room.

I spoke inwardly "Wish I had someone with whom I can discuss and share my thoughts". As usual, I sat beside fairy and started caressing its neck. Seconds later, aunty Yu entered my room. She always knew my mood, unpacking my bag she spoke "What happened my boy? You know right that uncle Jiang loves you the most." With that I answered "I angered him again. I asked him what is homosexual and with a frown he answered it is a non-curable disease". She laughed at that and said "So my boy has fallen in love?" I wondered what made her think that. With a mischievous tone she said it is not only non-curable but also contagious. With that she left my room. I was confused was she teasing me or is it reality? But from that day onwards I avoided touching anyone.

Jin Ling - This is my story!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora