Yi City

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Coming outside, Wen Ning was already present there. I don't know whether he was waiting for us or Song Lan or both. Pointing our swords at two fierce corpses in front of us, we ran in the direction of another shop closing its door shut. Peeking from the cracked door, we witnessed a fight between two fierce corpses. The way they slammed each other, if this was a fight between two living beings then they would have been dead already.

Fighting corpses on his way Hanguang-Jun made his entry inside central chamber from the hole in the rooftop created by Song Lan. After some time Mo Xuanyu came outside. All of us waved at him calling to join us inside the shop. After him Hanguang-Jun came out fighting with Xioxingchen. Strumming Guqin from his right hand and fighting using Bichen in another hand, he seemed very professional. Admiring his skills I say "He's so good!"

Turning around we all followed Mo Xunayu to find the ghost with bamboo pole. Right now she was our only hope. Following him we entered a coffin home. The ghost we were searching was sitting on top of one of the coffin as if she was waiting for all of us to find her. With hope she was looking at us tapping her fingers on the lid.

Jin Ling - "She wants us to open the coffin for her"

Gesturing us to move behind, Mo Xuanyu opened the lid of the coffin and laid it on the ground. There was a corpse lying inside.


It was corpse of real Xioxingcheng.

Refusing Lan Sizhui's offer for playing Inquiry, Mo Xuanyu informed he will perform Empathy. Protesting his suggestion I said "Its too dangerous!"

Ignoring my concern, he enquired if I have Jiang sects bell. Taking the bell in his palms he returned back after carefully observing it ordering "You will be the Supervisor". Supervisor is one who is responsible for bringing out the Empathizer out of trance.

Disagreeing in any kind of support towards demonic cultivation techniques, I hesitated to become supervisor. He passed the bell to Lan Sizhui and told this is the code to pull him out of trance.

Grabbing it from Sizhui's hand, I reciprocated, "I will do it". It is my bell why should I give it to him.

Empathy began and we saw the girl crashing inside his body. He leaned on coffin slowly sliding on the floor. I was tensed and nervous for him if anything happened to him, for me if I am not able to bring him back, for both of us.

Till Senior Mo was under empathy, all of us looked at him anxiously. Even if I had taken the responsibility I was very nervous. Mo Xuanyu was making various expressions and I looked at Lan Sizhui. His eyes seek mine and he nodded assuring "Everything will be fine".

I kept on ringing the bell in between. After some time when there was no response, I went closer to his ears and started ringing it continuously. Jingyi was wavering his hands in front of Mo Xuanyu's eyes awaiting for some reaction.

Jin Ling - "I told everyone this dangerous". All of us started chatting thinking what can be done to bring him out of trance. However, to our good luck the spirit of A-Qing left his body. With a sigh of relief I whispered, "Thank you god, he is safe". Leaving us inside the coffin home he ordered "Stay inside!"

Jingyi - "What did you see in Empathy"

Mo Xuanyu - "It is a long story"

Jin Ling - "Give us a short summary"

Mo Xuanyu- "Xue yang must die!" . With that he left.

Following Mo Xuanyu , the ghost of the girl also left the coffin home. All of us were chatting inside thinking about from where did Xue Yang come? Some of the disciples were discussing how ruthlessly he massacred Yueyang Chag Clan. Lan Sizhui shifted closer to me and spoke in a low voice, "Isn't Xue Yang executed by Lianfan-Jun?" I had no answer to his question. As I turn to answer, Song Lan's ghost entered inside coffin home. In our defense, all of us pointed our sword at him. He calmly walked near to Xioxingcheng's coffin and bowing down he stood there.

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